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I saw him.

I can only recall snap shots. I remember my hands in my pocket, boots against the dirt road.

He was at the old house, standing out front. He jerked around and gasped as he saw me. There's nothing else.

"Once again I've very impressed with your art. This looks like a photo. You're sure you've only met him in the Purple World?"

I just look at him.

"Gerard, I need you to answer me."

It's not so simple. He was in the Purple World. I don't know why. He didn't fit. He's beautiful.

"Can you elaborate?"

"Everything there is beautiful. Seeing him, I felt connected. He was there for a reason. For me."

"So he was there to bring out some sort of sign?"

I can recall more.

The forest.
Running, or maybe walking.
His giggle.
His sweet smile.
His thick glasses.
He ran, smiling back at me.

I blink at the memory.

"Did you remember something?"

"In the woods. He was running. It wasn't harmful. He smiled."

"Why don't you smile?"
"I don't need to."

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