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"I see you've done a lot of drawings of this forest. Is there something special about it?"

"It's just beautiful."

"You'd like to go there?"

"I have gone there."

"Right. When you go there does it feel like you're there physically?"

"Of course not. Strictly spiritual."

"And you think you belong here, Gerard?"

"I belong no where in the Colorless World."

"The Colorless World?"

"Your world. The physical. Matter. What you touch."

"Right. And back to the purple world: what is it like there?"

"I haven't been there long enough to know. It's heavy but in a wonderful way. Purple is in the air like moister on a humid day. It makes everything purple."

"Well, these drawings are very realistic. That's created to your art skills and not your memory? Can you explain to me the process of how you draw one of these?"

"I get it down quickly when I come back."

"Come back?"

"From visitation."

"My body gets heavy and my spirit kind of comes alive. With the body asleep and the mind present I can get a glimpse."

"So you see it in dreams?"

"No. "

"Is it some sort of meditation?"

"Not my word but yes."

" You'd call it 'visitation?' "


"So after you've come back from a visitation what do you do?"

I focus on what I saw. The scenery is breathtaking. I sketch it out quickly so I don't loose it. I never want to let it slip away."

"How often does it 'slip away?'"

"More often then not. When it goes up the heaviness sets in."

"What's the medical term for the heaviness."

"You'd call it depression. When it sets in I loose sight of the purple. I can't go back till it's over."

"So when you last tried to 'cross over' was it an attempt to escape the heaviness?

"Oh no. I was a part of the purple. I felt it, I was it. I didn't want to let it go. If i didn't cross with the purple then I might have to cross into the heaviness."

"The heaviness is a completely different world?"

"Not a world, more of a hole. An abyss."

"And so when you cross over you believe which ever one is present will take you to it? And you wanted to go to the purple?"


"So this couldn't be equated to a heaven or hell?"

"It doesn't bring about morality. It's neither good nor bad."

"But the heaviness, isn't that bad?"

"It's unpleasant. I see no good or bad."

"So what you're trying to say is that the purple world is more appealing? It's where you feel you belong?"

"I suppose."

"So then why is the heaviness here?"

"The heaviness is a part of the journey."

"The Purple World is the end?"

"For this life, yes."

"So you don't believe this has anything to do with mental health at all? It's just spiritual issues?"


"Would it make more sense to you if I referred you to someone who could help with that?"

"I don't need help."

"Gerard, your family is very worried about you. They don't want you to cross over. That's why they moved you to this home. They want you to be happy in this world and to stay with them as long as possible."

"They don't understand."

"If they aren't enlightened, can you expect them to?"

"They think I'm insane."

"They just want to help."

"I don't need help."

"What would you like me to tell your parents, then?"

I can't respond. My body is being weighed down although it is light. My eyes are pulled down at the end yet remain still and open.

"Tell you what, I'll try to explain this to them and let them make the decision. I don't think this is the best place for you."

The Other Side (geetrick)Where stories live. Discover now