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"What are your feelings towards this boy?"

"We need no feelings."

"What do you do together?"

"I haven't seen enough to know."

"So you don't remember everything that happens to you on your visitations?"

"It comes back to me eventually."

"But you remember things about Patrick? Bits and pieces? What do you remember?"

"Their skirts and stockings. They're beautiful. His glasses. Their smile. His eyes. His smile."

"I notice you keep switching between pronouns. Is there a reason"

Their energy.

"Oh yes. And they have masculine and neutral emery, I assume?"

"She could be feminine."

"All of the above. We can come back and talk about her later. So has anything else happened since our last session?"

"My body is numbing."

"Explain. "

"You call it 'falling asleep.' The tingly, burning sensation. "

"What's been doing that?"

"My neck. Under my chin. My leg. "

"Huh. That's odd. Have you been sitting around in certain positions for a while?"

"It feels like my body isn't mine. I touch my face and it feels like it's someone else's."

"Okay. And do you feel-"

"She's afraid of the shadows. That's why she's there. They hurt her."

"What do they do to her?"

"That hasn't come back to me yet."

"And what about her fears draws her to the Purple World?"

"It's safe. The purple keeps the shadows out."

"Why is that?"

"It's thick. The air won't let anything into it."

"How did Patrick get into the Purple World? Do you know where he came from?"


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