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I miss him.

I don't like this.

As I lay on the floor of my prison, my mind is starting to slip further into my body. It doesn't hang above. It's becoming one with it. I'm loosing color. I can feel only the emptiness of air.

How could he do this to me?

I can't be mad at him.

"I think your an angel."
He smile at me and brushes the hair from my eye.
"You think too much. Why don't you smile?"
"I don't need to."
"I've seen you smile before. It's pretty."
"You're pretty."
"Don't change the topic. Please smile for me."
"I can't."
"But I love you."
"It's not that easy, my love."
She nestles her head into my chest. I lean further back into the bark of the tree behind me. It gives her more room of my lap. She holds onto me firmly. We're one.
"One day. You will."
"I'll save you."
"Will that make you smile?"

I miss him.

His smile is imprinted in my brain.

I just want to replay it. I want to feel her. The more I replay it the farther she falls and the more color drains. She's turning my world white. In reality it's a pastel. Still purple but less thick. The thickness keeps the power out. In the lack of purple the dark or the light can set in.

I'm ruining this. She ruined it for me.

This must be fixed.

She's destroying my world.

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