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As Pipola walked down the halls to get to the outside where currently her friends were seated eating. A beanie wearing boy caught her off guard. He was staring at her from his side of the lockers. Crown shaped beanie, hands crossed, black curly strands of hair popping out and all.

She smirked dryly, walking over. He kept his guard, his body tightly leant against the lockers as he watched her walk over to him.

"Jughead right?" She asked, surprising him slightly by her sly yet soft voice laced together. He just nodded, slightly leaning away from the locker.

"Pipola Parker correct?" He mimicked. Of course he already knew her name. She was known everywhere, by everyone. She nodded smirking.

"I wasn't here to just meet properly Jughead jones. I'm here because I know you're writing about Jason's death." She accused, crossing her arms over her chest before using her signature smirk.

He nodded. "Yeah. But who told you?" He asked suspicious. He hadn't told anyone.

He looked over her face to see any judgement, anything to tell him of a disappointing method. Though her eyes were dark they held a little spark in the middle. But nothing pure curiousness, he saw the little darkness of her skin, narrowing his eyes blindly at the jaw.

"Oh don't worry. I knew it would've been someone. You're one of the quietest. You're bound to know something." She answered, he looked slightly taken aback fully taking himself off the locker before walking closer to her.

"You are one smart cookie." He answered. She just smiled, slightly blushing under her makeup. something she'd never really done before. But it was pure humour hearing him saying it.

"And you my friend, are a large clever clog." She answered before waving him off and walking out the doors to the lunch area. She walked over to the group where she could see Kevin and Betty. Also seeing the blossom twin and the new girl: Veronica lodge.

"Betty do you mind?" The queen bee asked, not even getting an answer from the blonde as she bumped her to move over. Cheryl sat down as Pipola walked around and sat beside Kevin as he moved over for her. only getting a weak smile from Betty and a disorderly look from Veronica.

"So, what are you three hens, gossiping about?" Cheryl asked looking around the table. Betty looked to Veronica with a stern face. "Archies– Efron emerges from the Christmas of puberty?" She asked a hand against her cheek as she spoke.

"Extra curricular's wether–bee wants me to sign up for a few." She answered.

"Cheerleading." Cheryl suggested, moving her hands down for emphasis. "You must. I'm senior captain of the river vixens." She said before moving her hair over her shoulder.

"Is cheerleading still a thing?" Kevin asked, getting a silent laugh from Pipola as she covered her mouth, her friend sure was something.

"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" She offended, getting a roll of blue eyes from Pipola. As Kevin's face confronted into an aggravated one as he looked to Pipola. "Some people say it's retro, I say it's iconic." She continued.

"At spence I signed up for the top of the pyramid, I'm in. Betty you're trying out too." She stated, not even a request but it didn't matter, Cheryl blossom was already chomping down on Betty's hope.

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