Hidden beneath

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[1k?! I love you guys!]


Pipola walked through the busy street of arbour, trying to find her father was an understatement, because arbour was a big place and to be honest she didn't even know what he looked like. She guessed she was just silently begging for him to just bump into her.

It wasn't going to happen today, although the lights of the house around her looked gorgeous, the dark streets gave her an uneasy glower. Pipola sighed, slumping herself against the pavement on the side of the road, just two steps away from the street light.

She didn't have a phone, of course she didn't she blew it up. And for what? She couldn't get punished for anything. It didn't really matter anymore, who knew if Jughead kept his promises.

A car suddenly pulled up in front of Pipola, it was black and old fashioned, the paint clean and shiny. Pipola quickly stood. Multiple scenarios coated her thick layer of dread which was there only distinctly because she could be murdered, raped or kidnapped at the right of now.

A teen, maybe the same age as Pipola stood out, black jeans, black jacket. Oh, and a serpent tattoo on his hand. The dim brightness of the light above her only helped a little by showing half of the boys face.

He stepped forwards with a crunch from his boot, and only then did Pipola see the smirk on his face. He looked threatening, but Pipola didn't damn on thinking about stepping away at all.

"What do you want?" Pipola asked dispassionately as she squinted her eyes in caution.

"What made you think I wanted anything?" The boy asked, placing his hands in his pockets. His smirk widened when Pipola raised an eyebrow.

"You're clever. I'll give you that." She spoke nodding her head towards him. He just smiled, holding up his hand in acquaintance.

"Joaquin." He addressed, holding his hand out for the girl in front of him. Pipola agreed to the shake and grabbed onto his hand. They shook, then let go as Pipola spoke.

"Pipola Parker." She addressed, giving Joaquin a reason to furrow his brows.

"People told me you were Pipola Padilla– not Parker." Joaquin spoke, Pipola furrowed her brows.

"How do you know that?" She asked suspiciously stepping forwards threatened. Joaquín just raised his hands in surrender.

"I just heard of you. As I saw your staring efforts–you were looking at my tattoo." Joaquin spoke, Pipola nodding for him to continue. "West side serpents. Yes, but your fathers Malum. Our gangs work side by side." Joaquin spoke.

Pipola furrowed her brows. "How did you know it was me?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's not hard to see your Jason's daughter." He spoke confidently nodding his head with a smile. Pipola smirked.

"Is it bad to say I've been looking for him?" Pipola questioned, looking to the pavement then to joaquin, who held a confused gaze.

"You haven't met him yet have you?" He asked, Pipola hardly nodded, now placing her hands in her jacket pockets.

"No I haven't. But I will, I know I will." She confidently spoke, holding her hope high above her head so no one could knock it down.

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