Body double

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Pipola sat on her queen size bed, her laptop on her lap as she wore a little gown, it was a soft red and really comfortable. Pipola sighed, Betty had given her the idea of looking up her family name.

She wanted to, but the little voice in her head told her if she did she'd learn many things she didn't want to. Betty was on the other line of Pipola home phone, she held it in her left hand lazily as she started to type her last name.

"Has it loaded yet?" Betty's soft voice spoke through the phone. Pipola was nervous–hell even Betty was.

Pipola's hands lifted off the keyboard after she pressed enter. Her soft hand gazing over the board before placing it on her lap.

"Yes." She spoke in monotone as the searches started coming up, padilla. Was the words she had looked up, she had no idea where to start, her last name was just a small clue. She had many more ways to find out the information on her parents.

Pipola scoffed as she started to scroll down, her bland eyes only catching onto people from so long ago, murderers, to actors.

"Anything there?" Betty's voice spoke through after hearing Pipola scoff through her own phone. Pipola deleted the search before replying.

"Nothing." Pipola spoke exhaustedly, slumping her shoulder back before closing her eyes.

"Try looking up your middle name. Do you have one?" Betty's asked, Pipola nodded, she knew the blonde couldn't see but sometimes it was just a habit.

"Yeah, it's Malum." Pipola spoke with no emotion, her forlorn torn, she felt so tired. She just wanted to know, but everything was being shut down from her.

Pipola started to type the word down speedily, pressing enter before closing her eyes for a minute as silence coated the phone line.

"Is there anything?" Betty asked but was cut off by a door opening the on her side of the phone, a womanly pitched voice commonly known as Mrs coopers voice spoke through the phone.

"Betty, who's that?" A voice chimed in from afar, it was a snoopy plain voice which always made Pipola roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Just pippin." Betty answered, making sure to make it sound sweet and simple, but Mrs cooper scoffed and walked towards her daughter.

"The Parker orphan?" She snakily spoke, but Betty quickly shut her up and filled the phone line.

"Sorry about this Pipola, I'll speak with you tomorrow. Good luck." Betty spoke before the line went dead. Pipola groaned before looking to the lap top screen.

Her eyes lit up, the words under Malum gang. She saw the words, she tried to hide the smile. She didn't want to smile but her eyes had shown it.

"Oh my god." Pipola spoke cheekily, a smile on her face as she pulled her face away from the screen. She read the words coated underneath.

Arbor Wests worst gang, only near Georgia, USA. Steer clear, they bite. She scrolled down more. She now understood why she was really like she was.

Only getting the name after what could possibly be a fake, yet true story. -the gang leader; Jason Padilla, had lost his child, mindlessly leaving it to die or freeze. No clue why, or how.

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