Chapter 2 : Telling Jeff the secret

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Chapter 2

The next day...

Jeff POV

We were handed these massive review packets in almost every single class. I sat down in the cafeteria, looking through them all.


"What, Jeffy?"

"I don't remember most of this..."

"It's ok. We still have time to review."

I felt my chest get a bit tight. I really don't want to fail. 



"What were you and Nicky talking about last night?"


"When I came out of the shower?"

"It was nothing, Jeff."

"It was about me. What was it?"

"Jeff, it was nothing."

"You said I needed to be prepared for the worst. What's going to happen?"

"Jeff. It's nothing. We were just talking about the possibility of you failing the tests. But you're not going to. You're going to pass."

I bit my lip. I feel like she's lying to me. Why would she lie to me?

"Are you sure that's what you were talking about?"

"Yes, Jeffy. Now finish your dinner. We've got homework to go do."

I sighed, and finished up. 


Jeff POV

"Jeff, is something bothering you? You've been so quiet all night," Alex said, putting her hand on my back.

"Why won't you tell me what you were talking about with Nick? I know you're lying to me. Why?"


"Please tell me. I just want to know."

"You weren't supposed to hear us in the first place."

"Well I did, so can you please tell me?"

"Alex, I think it's time," Nick said.

She sighed.

"Alright. Everyone come sit on the bed. Let's tell him," she said.

Alex sat next to me. Nick sat next to me too. And Sebastian sat across from me.

Alex took one of my hands, and intertwined our fingers tightly.

"Look, Jeff... My uncle has been keeping tabs on your dad, who is in jail. And... I don't know how, but your dad is going to be able to get out of jail in about 2 weeks. And my uncle thinks he's going to try to get custody of you again. So he got a lawyer that Sebastian's uncle recommended. But we think this could turn into a battle over custody."

"You can't let him get me!" I screamed, bursting into tears.

I curled in on myself, and buried my face in the blankets.

"I know, Jeff. My uncle is going to do everything he can, ok?"

I felt Alex start rubbing my back slowly. My whole body began to shake, partly from my sobs, partly from being so scared of getting hurt again.

"Can I talk to him alone?" Alex asked.

I heard footsteps, and then the door opened and closed.

Alex made me sit up. I fell into her arms, crying uncontrollably. 

"Jeffy, please don't cry. Your dad could lose, and you'd be completely fine."

"W-what if h-he w-wins!?"

"Then you can bet my uncle is going to try other ways of getting you back."

Alex's phone started ringing, so she answered it.


I tried to quiet my sobs so she could hear whoever was on the phone.

"No, I actually told him tonight... He didn't take it so well..."

She's talking about me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding on tight.

"Yeah, we can come down. Ok, see you in a few."

She put her phone down.

"Jeffy, my uncle wants to talk to us."


"It's something about your dad. He's calling Sebastian and Nick down too. Come on. We have to go."

She got me out of bed, and kept her arm around me as we walked down to her uncle's office.

We sat next to each other behind her uncle's desk. Sebastian and Nicky joined us a minute later.

"Ok, you guys... I see you've told Jeff. But he needed to hear it. It's getting close to the time that something could happen. Jeff, I hired a lawyer. Sebastian's uncle recommended him, and he's supposed to be really good. So hopefully we'll win."

"W-what if w-we don't!?"

"Then we'll figure something out. I'm not letting that man hurt you again. Now, finals are coming up in about 2 and a half weeks. Your dad leaves prison in 2 weeks. The soonest we could get anything settled about you legally would be a week. So you're definitely going to be here for the rest of class. Right now, I want you to focus on preparing for finals. Don't worry about any of the legal stuff. I'm taking care of it, ok Jeff?"

I nodded, but more tears went down my cheeks.

"And I want the rest of you to help him. Help him to study, and help him if he's feeling scared or upset."

"We will," Nick said, putting his hand on my back.

"Alright, you guys can go."

They all walked me back upstairs. I stopped crying. But I felt so scared inside. I never thought I'd have to see my dad again, or get hurt. And now I might.

"Let's do some of the review work, ok? Hopefully it'll help get your mind off of everything," Alex said, patting my back lightly.


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