Chapter 13 : Death

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Chapter 13


Jeff POV

My dad came down the basement stairs, and I tightened my grip on Alex.

"Give me the girl," he growled.

"No," I said.

I could feel Alex tensing in my arms.



Screw obeying. I'm keeping her safe.

He lunged towards us, and grabbed Alex by her arm. I tried to keep my grip on her, but dad is a lot stronger than me.

"Dad, please don't hurt her!"

Alex was crying now, staring at me helplessly. Neither of us knew if we'd see each other again. Dad could kill either one of us at any moment.

"She's getting hit extra hard for your actions," dad said.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt her! Please!" I screamed.

He dragged her upstairs. I started running after him, but he pushed me down the stairs, and I tumbled all the way back down. The lights went out, and then there was a loud slam. He knows I hate the dark, and this is just torture!

I scrambled to my feet, and made my way up the stairs in the dark, crawling up on my hands and knees. I could hear Alex's screams, which were making me feel so bad and guilty inside. 

Why isn't he hitting me? Why is he only doing it to Alex?

Maybe because he knows this will hurt me more than if he hit me...

"Please stop!" I screamed, banging on the door.

"Shut up, or I'll hit her harder!"

I curled in on myself, beginning to cry. I decided I would stay here until he gave her back to me. I wanted to catch her before she fell all the way down the stairs again.

When is Sebastian's uncle going to find us?

I stayed on the top step, waiting and wondering about random things.

Finally, I heard footsteps and Alex's crying getting closer to me. The door flew open, and Alex was shoved forward. I caught her though, holding her close. Dad slammed the door shut, and didn't turn the lights on. We were still in the dark, and I couldn't see what the damage was.

Alex curled up on my lap, sobbing against my chest. I didn't know what to do.

"Please don't cry. I'm sorry he hurt you. I don't know what to do!"

I pulled her closer to my chest.

I suddenly heard loud knocks. But they weren't on the basement door. They sounded like they were coming from the front door.

My heart started racing. I heard voices. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it sounded like my dad was talking to another man, hopefully Sebastian's uncle or Nicky's dad. Please let them be here to save us! Alex is hurt!

The talking turned into shouting, and I heard lots of shuffling feet. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and my breath caught in my throat. I was almost too scared to move.

Alex was silent too, and we continued to listen to the fight. I don't know if anyone got hurt, but my dad is still fighting out there.

"Jeff!? Alex!?"

That sounds like Sebastian!

"In here!" I yelled.

The door flew open, and I saw Sebastian. I also saw my dad in a fight with Sebastian's uncle, and another man lying unconscious on the ground.

Sebastian helped me and Alex up, and we took off running. And unfortunately for us, my dad took off after us.

He grabbed Alex, picked her up, and threw her in his car. He jumped in, and took off, almost running us over in the process.

"NO!" I screamed.

I tried to run after his car, but Sebastian grabbed me, and held me in my spot. I thrashed in his arms, trying to get out. I was screaming, but I couldn't even understand my own words.

I was so mad that he took her from me. Alex was the only thing I could call mine, and he took it. 

"Oh my god."

I don't know who said that, but it sounded like Nicky.

"Jeff, come on. Calm down. We'll find her," Sebastian said, holding me tighter.

I started hyperventilating instead of crying. Sebastian spun me around towards the house. Nicky was standing in the doorway, looking inside.

"Nick, I'm so sorry," Sebastian's uncle said.

"I-is h-he..."

"He's dead. I'm really sorry."

Sebastian's uncle hugged Nick while he sobbed. That's who was on the floor in there. His dad. He got shot.

"Sebastian, call 911," Sebastian's uncle said.

Sebastian took out his phone, but still held onto me with one arm.

I quieted down, partly so Sebastian could hear who he was talking to, and partly because I wanted to be strong. This isn't over yet. Alex is still alive, and I intend to keep it that way! We need to find her, and I won't stop until I do!

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