Chapter 5 : Blaine's room

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Chapter 5

Alex POV

"Jeff's gone."

"Oh my god."

Sebastian got up, and walked over.

"Jeff isn't there? Didn't you tell him to lock the door?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, and I said don't open it for anyone except us!"

"Oh my god, what if his dad got him?" Nick asked.

I suddenly felt so sick to my stomach. 

Nick's phone started ringing. He answered it.


We were all trying to hear what was being said, but only Nick could hear it.

"Oh my god, thank you so much. We'll be right there."

Nick hung up.

"That was Blaine. He said Jeff came to his room because he got scared or something, and he just wanted to let us know."

"Thank god," I said, breathing a sigh of relief.

We walked down to Blaine's room, and knocked. Blaine answered it with a smile on his face.

"Hey, he's just over there in bed," he said, letting us come in. 

I practically jumped on the bed, and wrapped my arms around Jeff so tight.

"Can't breathe, Alex!"

"Sorry. You had us so worried, Jeff!"

"I'm sorry! I just got really scared being alone, and Nick said to come here, so I did."

"Thanks for taking care of him," Nick told Blaine.

"No problem. He's a very sweet, polite boy. And since I don't have a roommate, I didn't mind the company."

"Blaine... Could we ask you a favor?" Nick asked.

"Sure, anything."

"Jeff's father got out of jail today. He knows where Jeff's dorm room is. I think it might be safer if Jeff didn't sleep there for the rest of the school year, at least. I mean, there's only about a week left."

"If you're asking if he can sleep here, sure."

"Well, not just him. Him and Alex. They sleep in one bed because Jeff gets scared easily."

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind."

"Ok, thanks. Looks like you guys are moving in."


Jeff POV

"I feel weird here," I whispered.

Blaine was in the shower right now, and it was just me and Alex.


"I like my bed better... This one is too out in the open. I like the one under the loft bed better. And Nicky and Sebastian aren't here."

"I know, Jeff. But we think you're a lot safer here. Your dad won't know you're here, so if he tries to kidnap you, hopefully we're making it a lot harder for him to find you."

"I know..."

"Just try to relax. I know how stressed you must be. But just try to relax, ok? School is almost over, and then we'll go home, and try to keep you as safe as possible."


Blaine came out of the bathroom.

"You guys alright?"

"Yeah, we're fine. Jeff is just a little nervous."

"I know he must be... I'd be pretty scared if I was in his shoes too. But I agree with what Nick thought. I think he's safer here because he won't know where Jeff is."

"Yeah," Alex said, nodding.

Alex pulled at the bottom of my shirt, and pulled it off of me. I shivered a little. She ran her hand down my chest, down to my stomach where I had a few scars.

"No tickles!" I whined.

"Sorry, I'm not trying to tickle you."

Blaine laughed.

"What?" I whined.

"Nothing. You guys are just really cute."

I felt myself blushing really hard. I also felt a bit self conscious with my shirt off. Especially because I know Blaine likes guys. 

"Do you guys want to watch a movie before bed?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. It'll help Jeff be distracted from being scared."


Blaine put his laptop on the dresser across from our beds. He picked something out on Netflix, and got into bed again.

"I picked a comedy so hopefully that'll help," Blaine said.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

I cuddled closer to Alex. I was so scared my dad would come in the middle of the night, and kidnap me. He'd bring me to his house, and we'd play the same awful games we used to. And I'd always end up getting hit. 

"Hey. Jeff, look at me."

I looked up at Alex. I realized I was breathing pretty rapidly.

"Is he ok?" Blaine asked.

I sat up a little more.

"Jeffy. What happened?"

"Just memories... I'm fine."

Alex put her arm around me, and I tried to focus myself on the movie instead of my thoughts.

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