Chapter 7 : Sleep

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Chapter 7


Alex POV

All of a sudden, Jeff screamed really loud, startling everyone. We all turned to look at him. He was sitting bolt upright, and he was sweating like crazy. 

He started crying.

"Was it a nightmare?" I asked, pulling him into my lap.

"H-he g-got m-me! P-please d-don't let him g-get m-me!"

"I won't, Jeffy."

Everyone went back to what they were doing. I just held Jeff in my arms until he stopped crying again. 

"C-can we p-please go t-talk s-somewhere?" Jeff whispered.

"It's not safe to go anywhere else. How about we go talk in the bathroom, ok?" I asked.

He nodded.

I took him to the bathroom, and then locked us in. Jeff sat on the floor, and I sat next to him. 

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I'm so scared," he whispered.

"I know, Jeff. But we have a really good plan."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Why wouldn't it work?"

"I don't know... Because my dad is really sneaky."

"Jeff, if anything happens in the middle of the night, scream. I'll be there, and Blaine will be there, ok? And anyone else who wakes up will be there too. We're all here to protect you, Jeff."

"I'm just scared he'll find me. What if you and Blaine can't stop him?"

"Jeffy, we can't play the 'what if' game. You need to be positive."

"I'm positive I'm going to die."

"Jeffy. Not what I meant."

"I can't do this, Alex. I know you want me to be strong, but I can't! I'm so scared!"

"Hey. Don't cry. It's ok. I know you're really scared, but we just have to make it through tonight and exams tomorrow. Then we can go home, ok?"


I hugged him really tight. He was shaking a little in my arms. 

"Jeff, you can do this. I know you can. And I'll be there to help you."

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome."

We went back into the room.

"It's getting late. We're heading to bed. Good luck, you guys," David said.

We all said goodnight. Sebastian and Nick stayed for a few more minutes though.

"Whatever happens tonight, we all love you, Jeff. And if something happens, you need to be strong because there is no doubt that we'll be coming to find you, ok?" Nick asked.

Jeff nodded.

"Alright. Good luck guys. Hopefully we'll see you tomorrow," Sebastian said.

We all hugged, and then they left. Blaine locked the door. 

"You guys ready for bed?" Blaine asked.

We nodded.

"Alright. I'll let you get situated, and then I'll shut the lights off."

I crawled under the beds with Jeff. We got under the blankets, and he curled up in my arms. I knew he was absolutely scared to death.

"Ok, you can shut the lights off," I said.


The lights went out, and Jeff went extremely tense in my arms.

Jeff POV

"Jeff. Hey. It's ok. Calm down. I just need to tell you one more thing before bed. If your father comes in here in the middle of the night, and you're awake, you can't scream. You can't make any noise and give yourself away. You can only scream if he tries to hurt you or kidnap you, understand me?" Alex asked.


I swallowed hard, fighting back tears.

"Hopefully we'll be fine. Please try to get some sleep. We have exams tomorrow. I don't want you to be falling asleep while taking them."


"And Jeff, one other thing."

"What?" I whispered.

"I love you, ok? No matter what happens, just remember that I love you. And if anything happens, you can bet I'll do something about it. I won't let him have you."

I sighed, and curled up even more, trying to make myself as small as possible.

"Night, Jeffy."

"Night," I said, blinking back the tears.

Alex pulled my shirt off. I'd almost forgotten about that. She ran her hands down my chest, which was actually making me feel a bit better. I liked her hands on my bare chest. And I leaned into her touch a bit more.

I sighed, relaxing more, and found myself becoming very sleepy. Being scared all the time is so exhausting.

I shut my eyes, and let myself relax to the feeling of Alex's hands lightly running up and down my chest, soothing me to sleep.

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