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A few weeks later...

Jeff POV

I walked around the yard, looking for everyone. We were all playing hide and seek outside. But I couldn't find anyone. 

Part of that might've been because it was dark out, and I was a little afraid.

Ok, I was a lot afraid.

I was too scared to get more than 10 feet from the house. And no one was hiding within 10 feet of the house.

I was standing there, thinking about what I should do. I'm not going to find anyone unless I go into the woods. But the woods are scary...



I jumped high in the air, and fell on the grass, curling up. I saw Alex.

"Not nice!" I said, pouting.

"I thought you might need some help. You weren't really getting anywhere. But I wasn't just going to give myself up without having some fun first."

She held her hand out to me, and pulled me back up on my feet. I narrowed my eyes at her, not appreciating getting the life scared out of me.

"Come on, you goofball."

She took my hand, and started leading me into the woods. And I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, so I bolted towards it, seeing familiar brown hair.

I tackled Nicky to the ground, laughing. 

We got up. Alex came over to us, and the 3 of us started looking for Sebastian. 

I heard a stick break, and I took off towards the noise. Now that I was with my friends, I felt fearless, and I was having fun.

I saw Sebastian hiding behind a bush, and I took a sharp turn towards him. I tripped over a rock, and went flying forward. Luckily, Sebastian caught me before I fell.

I took a second to catch my breath. Then I looked up at Sebastian, and poked him.

"Got you," I said, starting to laugh.

"Or I got you!" He said, picking me up over his shoulder.

I started screaming as he spun me in circles, and then finally put me down.

"Guys, let's go inside. It's getting cold," Alex said.

The night air was cool against my skin. We all went inside, up to Alex's room.

"So you guys sleeping over?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, if that's cool," Sebastian said.

We'd sort of made my bedroom Sebastian and Nicky's bedroom. They slept over all the time.

"Of course it's cool. You guys are our best friends!" I said.

I pulled them all towards me in a tight hug. I was in the very center of it.

"I love you guys," I said, smiling.

We all broke apart, and we went to change into our pjs. While Sebastian and Nicky were changing, Alex pulled me over to her.

"Having fun?" Alex asked.

"Yup, just like every other day."

"Good. Just making sure."

I climbed onto the bed towards her. I sat on my heels, and took her hands. I pulled her forward, and I kissed her. 

We pulled apart, but our foreheads were touching.

"You're one of my best friends. But I think you're my favorite," I whispered, making Alex smile.

"Well good. Because you're my favorite too," she whispered back.

We both leaned forward, and our lips connected again.

"Love you," I whispered.

"Love you too, Jeffy."

The end.

A/N : I hope you all enjoyed this series. This was one of my favorite series I've written. I've given it more attention than my other books. If you want to read my other current books, they're called "Riker's Christmas Wish", " Wizard Boys", and "Kidnapped by Riker Lynch". "Wizard Boys" is still new, but the other 2 are getting towards the end. I will be starting a new book called "Skinny". Riker has an eating disorder, and he struggles with a lot of things. However, if someone doesn't notice, he'll starve himself to death. It should be up either tonight, tomorrow, or Saturday. It depends how much it snows, and if school gets cancelled. And I know my updates have been less than usual. I've just been busy with school and homework, and a bunch of other things not related to school. But in a few days, my updates will hopefully be back to normal again. Lastly, I want to give shout outs to @DeniseLoveR5 and @rikkerrr for their votes and comments on this story. And thanks to everyone else for reading. If you have any ideas for future stories, please comment down below. Thanks! ~Kylie ;)

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