Chapter 4

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I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm clock. Fortunately for me, I keep my alarm set to buzzer or sync my phone to it and play music. Either way, it's better than hearing about an 'alleged killer named Derek Hale'. I sighed and unraveled my self from my purple, black and white sheets. I sit up and swing my legs over my bed. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and stood up onto the cold, wooden floor. Faintly, I could hear Scott and Mom talking. I didn't want to intrude on their conversation so I decided to get ready for my first day at Beacon Hills High. I took off my pajamas and stepped into the shower. The warm water cascaded down my body. I washed and cleaned myself before stepped out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body. I took out my brand new hair dryer and makeup back. I dried my hair and brushed it out.

      When I was happy with my hair I started with my makeup. I wasn't professional standard but it wasn't beginner standard. I don't put a lot on as I prefer natural beauty. I did some winged eyeliner and coated my eyelashes in mascara. I put on some nude lipstick, which completed my look. I changed into my new outfit I had bought the other day (Outfit on the top). I put on some black converse and tied the laces. I found my grey beanie and added that to my outfit. I grabbed my black backpack and head downstairs. I grabbed a granola bar and my skateboard and headed out the door. "Bye mom, I'm off! Tell Scott I'll meet him at school!" I shouted and left without waiting for an answer. I put my skateboard down on the ground and skated to school. It was about ten minuted before I got to the school.

         I jumped of my skateboard, picked it up, and walked into school. I got a lot of stares from boys and girls as I made my way to the front office. I kept my face straight, even though I did enjoy the attention slightly. I found the office and went up to the lady at the front desk. "Hi, my name is Emily McCall, I'm new here." I said with a genuine smile on my face. The lady looked up and smiled back at me.

"Ah, Emily! Welcome back love. I'm just printing of your locker number, combo, schedule and a map of the school." She replied and typed away at her keyboard.

"Okay, thank you."I replied. Not a minute later the printer went off with all of my information that I needed. "Here you go dear, have a good day!" I took the sheets and waved goodbye. 

"Thank you, and you!" I shouted back before leaving to find my locker. I still had a bit of time before I headed to first lesson so I decided to look for my locker. Eventually I found it and unlocked it. I dumped all the books I didn't need for the day in there and shut it. I placed the lock on it and walked to class. I weaved in and out of the hallway and found first lesson. Chemistry. Greeaatt. Note the sarcasm. I walked in to find out that we were doing a test in a different room. I huffed and went to find the room. The bell for class went and I arrived on time. I walked in and went to the back left corner of the seats. I sat in the chair and took out a pencil. The teacher, who's name I learned was Adrian Harris, whizzed around the classroom putter papers on desks as the students piled in. He stopped at my desk and stared at me.

"Are you a new student?" He asked. I looked up.

"I am." I replied.


"McCall. Emily McCall." He looked take back.

"Emily McCall? As in the girl who went missing year ago?" He asked in a hush whisper. I pursed my lips and nodded. "Well, don't be like your brother, McCall. I'm counting on you." He placed a paper on my desk before walking to the front of the classroom. The last students came through the door, including Scott. He stopped at Allison's desk and looked down at her sadly. I rolled my arms and zoned in on their conversation. "Allison-" Unfortunately he was cut off by Mr. Harris.

"Mr McCall, please take a seat." Scott sighed and went to an empty seat. "You have 45 minutes to complete the test. Simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book. However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'II be Ieft yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin." He stated and started a stop watch. I wrote my name on the front of the paper and started the test. We were sat in silence for about five minutes until Scott got up and rushed out of the  classroom.

Mystery [Book 1]  {A Teen Wolf FanFic} [#Wattys2017]Where stories live. Discover now