Chapter 10

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I was surrounded by darkness. I was lay down on something cold and metal. I heard a voice sound out as a groan was heard from beside me. "Welcome back to the land of the conscious." It was Deaton. "You doing okay?" I heard movement and another groan. "Maybe you should sit down, huh?"

"How is she?" The groaning person asked.It was Scott. I heard a sigh.

"Not good, Scott. It doesn't look like she will be awake for a while. I'm surprised she survived with all that wolfs-bane in her system. But, I know Emily. She's strong, I'm one-hundred percent sure she will be fine once she wake up. Now, back to y-" Deaton didn't get to finish his sentence before the bell of the entrance rang. Immediately I knew where we were. Beacon Hill's very own vet. "Hello?" Deaton called out, probably going into the reception. "I'm sorry- We're closed."

"Hi there. I'm here to pick up." A new voice said. He sounded so familiar, yet, I couldn't pin-point who it was.

"I'm not sure I remember you dropping off." Deaton said. I heard Scott move beside me.

"This one wandered in on its own." Mystery man said.

"Even if he did, I'm afraid I can't help you - We're closed." Deaton said, standing his ground.

"Well, I think you can make an exception this one time - Don't you? " And that's when it hit me like a brick. Mystery man was non other than Peter Hale.

"I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours."

"You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it." Peter said frustrated.

"Like I said - We're closed." I heard a loud crash from reception.

"Mountain ash. That's an old one." Peter said, chuckling.

"Let me be as clear as possible. We - Are - Closed." I heard footstep head towards the door. I silently prayed Peter would just leave.

"There are others who can help me get what I want, Scott. More innocent - and far more vulnerable." Peter whispered, knowing only Scott could hear him. The jingle of the bell on the door signified me that Peter had left.

"Allison!" I heard Scott whisper-shout. He ran off leaving me here, however I know how important Allison is to him and besides, I'm in good hands. I tried to open my eyes but the felt as if cement had been lathered on them, keeping them shut. I tried to move but failed miserably.

"Don't worry Emily, I'm going to keep good care of you. Just - Please, wake up soon." The table I was laying on was being pushed into another room, his office probably. It wasn't long before I was consumed into a land of darkness.


I heard objects being clattered around as I slowly and painfully opened my eyes. I shut them again, unable to keep them open. I felt something soft on and under my body. I couldn't feel the cold, metal table so I guessed I was placed on the cot Deaton has in his office in case he worked very late. I opened my eyes again and sat up slowly. I looked around, and to my assumptions, I was on the cot in Deaton's office. "You're awake, I see." Deaton said, making me jump. A ghost smile appeared on my face. 

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and laying back down. I felt the edge of the cot mattress dip slightly.

"You were shot a dozen times with wolf-bane laced bullets. You wont be on your feet for a while, which is why Scott is telling your mom you're visiting an old friend while I help you heal here." He replied.

"Thanks, Dee." I said giving him a genuine smile. He got up and walked to his desk where a bunch of objects were spread out. I tried to sit up again before pain erupted through my torso. I let out a staggered breath as I lay back down.

"This morphine should relieve some pain, at least so you can help me out here today." Deaton said smiling at the end. I nodded as I felt the needle prick my skin. It was no less then two minutes before the morphine started to kick in. Deaton helped me up and move into the theatre/back room. The rest of the day went by, treatings cats, dogs and other pets people keep. I locked up front while Deaton locked all the doors and cabinets in the back. "Emily, come here a second." Deaton's voice rang out. I followed him voice where I met him in the theatre/back room.

"Yeah?" I said, leaning on a metal table.

"Has anything- I don't know - odd happened lately?" He asked, leaning against the counter. I thought about it for a moment, before I remembered what happened in the bathroom the other day. I told him about the pain in my head and seeing Jackson in a doctor's office and wolfs-bane being pulled from his neck. "I see."

"Does it mean something? I mean, it just happened out of the blue." I said.

"Show me your eyes - Your wolf eyes." He  demanded softly. I closed my eyes and reopened them. Deaton's eyebrow rose as he moved closer as if her was trying to get a good look. "Has there being anything else? Strength, speed, or power perhaps?" I thought back to the night at the school when I felt all of the rage and anger build up inside me.

"That night at the school- I got so angry, and Scott didn't smell the werewolf side to me or hear me growl. He never questioned me about being a werewolf, at all." I conclude rubbing my forehead.

"You're eyes, they aren't beta-yellow. They're purple with a red ring around the iris." He explained and I felt my jaw drop to the ground.

"How is that even possible?"

"I don't know. I will look into this. How are you, by the way?"

"I feel perfectly fine." I replied. Deaton nodded. I started cleaning away all the utensils and medicine when the unbearable pain reappeared in my head. I dropped whatever I was holding and fell to my knees clutching my head. I could hear Deaton asking me if I was okay, shaking my shoulders. My vision faded out into another perspective. I was on the Lacrosse field. Unlike my last vision, this one wasn't blurry. I saw Lydia walking onto the field shouting a name. She was in the middle of the field when two more people came into view. A man walked quickly to Lydia whiles the other person, who looked like Stiles, run towards Lydia shouting at her to run.

          Than man, who resembled Peter, bit down onto Lydia's shoulder, ripping out a chunk of her shoulder. She collapsed as her blood poured from the bite as my vision blurred into nothing again. My vision returned and I was back in the veterinarian's. "Are you okay? What did you see?" Deaton asked, holding me as my body shook.

"I-It was L-Lydia. P-Peter got h-her." I stuttered. My mind drifted to Scott as I heard a howl ripple through the air. I think Deaton heard it from the loudness of it. I looked through the windows as I heard another howl, this one in serious pain. Derek. I howled, signalling to Scott and Derek my location.

"What's going on, Emily?" Deaton asked, standing us both up.

"Scott howled, and then Derek howled but it sounded like he was in pain. Then I felt compelled to howl, so I did. I think Scott wanted Derek to signal his position." I said in one breath. Deaton nodded.

"They need help, and you seem perfectly healthy and fit to fight. Just come back after, okay?" He said.

"I will, Dee." And with that I ran out and towards Derek's location. 


I ran straight to the woods, which lead me to the Hale house. I heard voices so I hid in a tree.

"Thank God. Now, shoot him before I have to shoot myself." An older female ordered. I looked at the scene as it unfolded. Fortunately for me, the werewolves and hunter hadn't noticed me. But what I did see angered me.

Allison. Holding her bow. At. My. Brother.


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Mystery [Book 1]  {A Teen Wolf FanFic} [#Wattys2017]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ