Letter 3

18 2 1

I went down to the creek yesterday, I laid on the grass while I thought of you,I fell asleep which isn't good on my back, I've grown too old, I'm sorry my love. I pull on the yellow string of your third letter and start to read.

You're looking at me right now as we sip our coffee, "what are you writing?" You ask me. I'm writing this, right now. But I tell you, "you'll find out later." I guess if you're reading this now, it's later. What if you never read these though, what if you pass before I do. I don't know how to continue life if you're not here. You've always been here, always. Promise me that if I go first, you would keep enjoying life? Live it, own it, take it and be best friends with it. Time has been good to us, so please never be mad, when I go, it's because I've had all the time I needed. All the time I've needed to love you. Love, yours Forever

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