Letter 7

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I don't know if I can do this without you. Life is just dragging on, and it's boring and plain. But with you, every day was a blessing. You were the light that held me up. But you're gone now. I can't live without you, how do I continue to?

As I write this to you, I'm outside with our cat Penny on my lap, on the back porch. You're asleep inside. The sun is shining, and the sky is blue, it's not cold, but its not hot. It's the perfect weather. The ocean is sparkling as it drifts through, and the wind is blowing my once golden brown, but now white hair. I'll be gone soon, I feel maybe a year. I know you say you couldn't live without me, but I know you can. I'm not your life. You took your first breath when you came into this world, and I was not there to be with you until seven years after that. You lived without me, you can do it again. Love, Yours Forever

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