Letter 17

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The Doctor gave me some medication yesterday, it's helping right now. Hopefully I'll make it to read all your letters.

Remember when you took me downtown for the first time? It was different for both of us considering that we've always lived in the country and both of our families barely had a dime to use. I remember seeing all the lights and tall buildings. You had saved up for us to eat at this fancy restaurant. It was my first time trying steak. I remember walking down the sidewalk together, hand in hand, and I had looked up at you and smiled. Then with your other hand, you tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. We heard a man singing and playing guitar for money, and we laughed and tapped to the beat with him, and before we left, we dropped money in his bucket. Then when I stood in front of a shop to admire all the beautiful window displays, you came up from behind me, your hands finding my waist, and you brought your lips close to my ear, whispering, I love you. My gosh, you still manage to surprise me like that. Love, Yours Forever

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