Letter 21

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Fall is just beginning, it's your favorite season, you loved the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows. My darling, you were vibrant too.

"Oh, I remember every date we had, my favorite of course would be when we went to the library. I just loved libraries, still do. There's just something about the smell of old paper, bound into a book. And the fact that books are like portals into another world. I lost myself that day, not only in the aisles of books, but also in your eyes. Not long after we arrived, you found me sitting on the floor, completely immersed in a Nancy Drew novel. That's when I felt your lips gently press on my forehead. "I love you." Was whispered on your breath. My sweetheart, I want you to know that those words meant so much to me, every time you said them, and when you still do, they mean the world to me. Love, Yours Forever.

"I love you."

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