Letter 19

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I think the medicine the doctor gave me is working. I feel a lot better.

Remember when I went to my first high school party? You were at a friends house that night, playing games. You couldn't go. But my best friend went with me, so I wouldn't be alone. Her and I both ended up getting drunk. Some guy started whispering in my ear, touching me, groping me. So I called you, my voice was slurred, you knew I was drunk, and you came to my rescue. When you came in the house you sucker punched that guy right in the jaw, and in return you received a bloody nose and a black eye. But you carried me out bridal style and took me home that night. You yelled at me in the car, saying I shouldn't have drank anything, that I shouldn't have gone. But right before I ran into the house, You hugged me. You hugged me so close to you that I felt like my ribs might crack. You started crying, I was so confused. "Something could've happened to you." You cried into my shoulder. "But you saved me." I whispered into your ear. And we stayed that way for what seemed like an eternity. I love you so much sweetheart. Love, Yours Forever

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