Chapter 5

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After dinner, Aaron went back to his room and picked up his phone to text Abigail. 

Aaron: Hey, are you still online?

No reply. It had been 10 minutes and Abigail still hadn't replied. "I hope everything's okay.." Aaron sighed. He finally got a notification - it was from Abigail! He smiled and looked at the text. 

Abbi: Aaron, this is Abigail's mother..I don't know how to tell you. Aaron, she died 10 minutes ago. She committed suicide. 

Aaron gasped, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't believe this, they had JUST met, she had JUST came to his school, they had started to become friends, and she was gone. Aaron sobbed loudly, dropping his phone on the floor. Aaron's family came up to see what was wrong. They knocked on his door. "Aaron?" Caroline whispered. Aaron kept crying. Caroline, Hunter, and their mom came inside his room. Caroline's eyes widened at the sight of her older brother crying. She rushed to his side and sat next to him on his bed. "A?" She asked, nicknaming him. 

Aaron didn't respond, he couldn't respond. Caroline looked at him. "Tell me what's wrong..why are you crying!?" She demanded to know. Aaron looked over at her, his eyes red and puffy, his face wet. "She's gone.." He choked out. Caroline tilted her head. "Who, Aaron?" Aaron's mother and brother waited to the sides. Aaron let out a sob. "Abigail..she died." Caroline's eyes widened. "The girl that you became friends with..?" She asked, gently. Aaron nodded. "She's gone..she committed suicide." He explained, looking down at the ground. Caroline hugged Aaron tightly. "I'm so sorry.." She consoled. 

Hunter came up to Aaron. "Why did she want to die?" He asked softly. Aaron shook his head, more tears falling from his cheeks. "She seemed so happy..she gave me her number, she wanted to work on the project and everything..I can't understand how she killed herself." Aaron murmured. Caroline suddenly heard something from the TV downstairs. She ran downstairs, her entire family following her. "Is that her..?" She asked, pointing to the TV. Aaron looked and saw that they were talking about a recent suicide that had been committed. There was a body being dragged out - he just knew it was Abigail. 

Suddenly, the news reporter started saying that they weren't sure that it was a suicide. There was no sign of self-inflicted stabbing, shooting, nothing. And there were signs of a struggle. Aaron tilted his head. "This was no suicide, guys.." He said, getting up, turning his back to the TV, facing his family. 

"Abigail was murdered." 

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