Chapter 1 - Harry

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                   "HARRY! YOU FUCKING CUNT." Gemma screeched, standing with her arms out and her hands curled up in angry fists. She stood in their shared bathroom, completely covered from head to toe in white baby powder that Harry had skillfully placed into her hair dryer. He stood against the white bathroom door, holding his Nikon camera steady and focused on her, as he lost it, laughing until he couldn't breathe.

"Harry. I swear to fucking g- You have about three seconds to run before I smash your camera into the ground." She said through gritted teeth, in such a calm voice that it scared Harry enough for him to take off running through their large flat. He bolted up the long flight of stairs and into his room, where he slammed his door and locked it.
He burst out laughing again when he heard another screech from downstairs, echoing around the open house.
"Don't worry baby, she's not gonna hurt you." He whispered to his camera before he set it down onto its stand, adjusting it so he could see himself clearly. He padded over to his window to open his dark blue curtains, letting the beautiful Cali sunlight shine through. He always preferred using natural light when he recorded his videos. He stared out the window for a brief moment, enjoying the view of the beach in the far background; Admiring the tall palm trees along the streets, the creamy white looking sand, the sparkling blue water accompanying it and the hundreds of people strolling along half-naked. He went back and plopped into his rolling chair, sitting in front of the camera again. He had opted for no shirt, and his favorite black and white snapback that he placed backwards over his unruly, chocolate brown curls, pushing them back. He frowned at the hair that poked out wildly around the sides that he was never able to tame, tugging at them before giving up on them like usual. He admired his face cockily, his bright, emerald, green eyes shining in the small screen of his expensive HD camera. His skin looked smooth in the bright light, despite the few pimples he did have along his forehead and chin. His lips were always just a natural deep red color, and his straight white teeth, after the help of braces in the sixth grade, contrasted nicely against them. He reached to hit the record button, the red light blinking to signal it was on.

"Hi, again!" He smiled crookedly, lifting one of his large hands to wave at the camera. "Thank you again sosososo much for a million followers! And as I promised, in celebration, I flour bombed my sister." He said, chuckling lightly at the thought. "You guys played on the safe side when I asked for what prank I should pull on my sister, but regardless it was absolutely hilarious." He played with his bottom lip as he thought of more to say. "I actually just want to thank you guys again! For sticking through me with ridiculous posts and dumb pranks and mostly shirtless videos because I know not all one million of you are girls." He winked. "But thanks again. And um. Yeah. I love you all. Stay bananas." He said, signing off with his signature line. He smiled and blew  a kiss at the camera before stopping it. He then proceeded to record himself doing ridiculous dances to edit in later, Gemma walking in on one of them to beat him up with a pillow.

"This is definitely going on my video." He laughed out in between hard hits. 

A few hours of editing and strategically placing bits and pieces of video to make the entire seven minute video his own, he had logged into his YouTube account to upload the video, opening another tab to go through his full inbox and notifications.

Harry noticed he'd been tagged quite a few times to one video. He peered closer, noticing another fellow youtubers video with the title, "Top ten YouTube secrets challenge."

Harry clicked on it curiously, seeing Sincerleylouis pop up on screen, his light-brown hair cutely flopping in front of his squared framed black glasses that were clear enough to show off his bright blue eyes. Harry had watched enough of his videos to know he was cute beyond words.
Harry leaned back into his seat, crossing his tan arms over his chest, watching as Louis started talking in his incredibly, adorable, high pitched British accent.

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