Chapter 8 - Anne

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 A/N: Ahhhh yes. Finally an update. I know, I know. Im terrible. And it's three am. And I actually have alot of you on instagram staying up late to read this and I apologize but yes here it is. 
Also the next two chapters are chapters i've been planning out since before life so hopefully they're quicker to update. And I've just recenelty got a promotion at my job kind of? So now my schedule is all fucked and im not used to it but yeah ok sorry for keeping you.

p.s. people actually made RP accounts on instagram based off of this story and they're really actually so fucking cute I cry everytime they post. 
Theres harry - @harrymustbebananas
Louis - @sincerelylouistomlinson
& Sadie - @imsadiexx ok go follow them bless amen ok story ok sorry thanks for puttin g up with me.

Harry tied the laces of his favorite black Nike Airs and stood up on his toes, bouncing around and stretching lightly before taking off down the long and winding sidewalk. God, he hadn't been on his weekly run in a few months and he needed something to calm his nerves. He was meeting his Louis in less than two weeks now and he was absolutely, positively, not ready. His usual chill demeanor had been broken down and shredded to pieces by the frantic little British boy.
Harry was glad to have the sidewalk to himself this early in the morning, minus the spare bike rider or rollerblader. It gave him more peace and time to think and to make weird faces as he did without people judging him or staring at him because they were faintly trying to recognize who he was.

He took a deep breath in, smelling the deep, salty sea aroma and ran faster, his hair pulled up in a tiny ponytail and his snug grey under armor clinging tightly to his body.
About a few miles down, Harry had spotted a cute old couple helping each other into a nearby ocean side restaurant, both of them holding on to each other in some way, and both taking slow and gentle steps as they beamed at each other like they were each other's sun and moon. Harry wanted that. He has that.
He knows he has that.

He figured they were probably up to catch the early bird special and wondered idly if that was a morning ritual of theirs. The charming memory of the old couple soon turned into one of an older tiny man sitting in front of him, sipping out of a small cup and gleaming at Harry with eyes lined in wrinkles from years of laughter. Harry slowed his pace as he thought of them as himself and Louis, pulling his phone out of his pocket to text him.

"Do you think we'll wake up early in the mornings to get cheap food together when we're broken down and decrepit?"

Cutie Pie:
"Of course, only if you'll have me for that long."

Harry's face cracked into a smile at his phone, beginning a text back about how he'd have Louis for as many lifetimes as he could when his thoughts were interrupted by a loud screeching noise right behind him. He stopped abruptly in his tracks and whipped his head around. His green eyes widened and he yanked out the small white headphone in  his ear that was faintly playing a pumped up rap song. 

"Harry Styles?!" A young girl yelled, looking no more than 13 as she clutched on to her chest as if she were trying to refrain her heart from jumping out and running away. She held the arm of a smaller, shorter girl next to her, both of them dressed eerily alike, wearing crop tops and flowery shorts with matching fishtail braids.
"Harry Styles?!" They yelled again in disbelief, staring at each other and then back at Harry.
Then at each other.
Then at Harry again.
Each other once more.
And then finally right back at Harry again as if they couldn't believe the tall boy was in their direct line of sight. Harry gave them a tooth-bearing grin and nodded, raising a hand up to wave. The two girls finally remembered their ability to move as they ran towards him quickly, not allowing him to escape their grasp, even though it  was never his intention to.

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