Chapter 2

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Niall's P.O.V*


I woke up with a start, seeing all the boys surrounding my bed I was sleeping in. I rubbed my eyes, trying to keep the picture of the girl in my head, but it was slipping away the more I thought about her.

"Niall, wake up sleepy head, we got to go to a photo shoot today," Liam reminds me. I remember, we are gonna be the front cover of some magazine that I can't remember the name of. I try my hardest to remember the girl from my dream, but I keep pulling up a blank. All I remember is the glow she had, the pure beauty radiating off of her. She was magnificent.

While I was off in Wonderland, the boys noticed by quietness.

"Niall, what's wrong dude? You seem... off," Liam explained. I looked at them reluctantly.

"I had a dream."

"Yeah, we know. You were mumbling in your sleep."

"No, I mean, this was no ordinary dream. There was this meadow, and there was a girl, she was so beautiful. We sat down and I started singing Small Bump, and then she was rubbing her tummy. She was pregnant, a-a-and the kid was mine. I was gonna be a dad. And then when I got to the end of the song, she l-l-lost it, the b-baby, I mean. And then-"I spoke with such rapid fire I was starting to stutter.

"Whoa, Niall! Slow down. It was just a dream, man. Calm down," Harry sat next to me and patted my shoulder. "What did the girl look like?" he asked.

"I don't remember, but she looked like an angel." They all stared at me, not knowing what to say, soaking in all the stuff I just told them. "Well," Liam began, "you'll remember soon enough. C'mon, we got things to do today." He patted my knee and stood up, sauntering out the door, along with Zayn.

Harry's phone buzzed and he looked at the text he had just received. From the smile he had on his face, it was from Steph. Steph and Harry have been going out for about three weeks now. They had met at Starbucks when, as cliché as it sounds, he spilled coffee on her and offered to make it up to her. They had been together ever since. I've only seen her about twice, she was a nice girl. Really causal and laid back, not to mention her horrid sense of knock-knock jokes. They were soul mates in that sense.

He replied to her text and looked up from the screen. "Steph is gonna come over when we finish with the shoot." The smile still had not left his face, he really liked her. When they had met for the second time, he asked her why she agreed to go out with him with all the Hendall rumors spreading around. She said that she never believed what the tabloids said, and that in her opinion, he wasn't a man-whore like the paparazzi made him out to be. I think that was what won him over.

Harry and Liam left the room, allowing me to get dressed. As I exited my room, I saw the boys were ready so we got our coats and left

Time for reality, I thought as we entered the cab.


I gasped, falling off my bed onto the soft carpet. Groaning, I felt my back hit the floor. I lied there, staring at the white ceiling, thinking about so many things I was giving myself a headache.

I had another dream. We were having a sleepover with Disney movies and ice cream. Her eyes and cheeks were red over the death of Bambi's mom. She sobbed quietly into my shoulder, the smell of her hair overtaking my senses.

*** "Baby, it's ok. It's just a movie," I comforted her, still shaking. "I know," she sniffled. She was still beautiful, despite the snot all over her face from wiping her tears from her eyes. "It's just so sad."

"I know baby, I know." I rubbed her back softly, my lips gently kissing her hair. The scent of strawberries and vanilla filling my nostrils. Even her smell was intoxicating. Everything about her was beautiful. Her hair, her legs, her ankles, her eyes, just her. She wasn't perfect, but to me she was. ***

I've been having these dreams for a week now, and each time they got more vivid, more in detail. There was one where we had our first date, and another where we were sleeping next to each other in my bed, and unconsciously she pulled me closer to her. And one where we were swinging on some swings in an old park, the metal poles squeaking with each swing. Even she began to get even more gorgeous with each dream.

I couldn't get her out of my head. She was practically living in my mind, and I had a feeling she wasn't gonna leave anytime soon.

I heard the door creep open, so I looked to see who it was. It was Liam, he walked into the room, seeing me on the floor looking at him. "Niall, what are you doing on the floor?"

I lean my head back onto the floor, wondering how I even got to this point

"I don't know, man. I had another dream."

"What was it about now?"

"We were having a Disney marathon in our pajamas and she was crying watching Bambi."

He seemed to be deep in thought, thinking about something unknown to me. "Well, I've been doing some research and I found something that might help. Apparently, you can't dream up a person. The brain isn't that smart. For you to dream about a person, you have had to see them, even for a second."

I sat up, looking at him. "So?"

He gave me a look, saying Really? with his eyes. "Sooo, you've seen this girl before."

I sighed, putting my face in my hands letting out a deep breathe. "Liam, look at who we are. We've probably seen most of the female population. How would I find her?"

He looked defeated, now realizing that finding her was gonna be 10x harder than we even realized. That's if, I even wanted to look for her, which of course I did. I needed to see her in person, not just in a dream. Plus, I don't even know exactly what she looked like. Every time I tried to remember her face, all I got was a warm glow, and the color green, like jade.

I was never gonna find her.

"Well, we have the day off today. You want breakfast, you make it yourself. Steph is coming over today, by the way." Liam stood up and left, leaving me on the floor, hung up on some girl I wasn't even quite sure existed.


A/N ok, so to clarify, when I do this " *** ", it means that it is sorta like a flashback to a dream. The pic on the side is how I imagine how the meadow would look.

So the songs I listened to whole witing this are down below:

- "Say Something" by A Great Big World

- "Poison and Wine" by The Civil Wars

- "Echo" by Jason Walker

Ok, hope you enjoyed the update :)

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