Chapter 12

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Breakfast was fast. We all ate around the kitchen, not bothered by chairs or tables. Addy and Harry did the dishes while Zayn, Steph, and I started playing COD.

I could hear conversation going on in the kitchen. I couldn't hear over the sound of the sink and clinking plates.

Steph was quite good at video games. Her thumbs were fast. And her reflexes were spot on. She was beating me and Zayn by a strong majority. We had died already dozens of times while she still stayed in the game, dying maybe four times total.

Tossing my controller away, I huffed in disappointment. Where Addy and Harry done yet with those dishes?

If I wasn't in my right mind, I would've stayed in my seat and continue to get my ass kicked my Steph the Killer. But my nefarious curiosity got me to stand up and walk quietly to the kitchen.

Being closer made it easier to hear what was being said. But by the time I was in full eavesdropping mode a splitting noise broke the void.

Addy came dashing out if the kitchen, slipping her arms through her indigo coat. She reached the front door, turned the knob, and was gone.

Steph stood up in rage.

"What the fuck was that?"

Her eyes were wide and looked almost like they changed colour. With her arms stretched out beside her, with lack of a better word she looked mad.

"I don't know, one minute we were talking and then she just left."

"Well what did you say to her?"

"Nothing! I was just asking her about herself. Simple things like favourite colour and how school was going."

Steph sighed. She strode towards Harry, hugging and kissing him on the cheek with a sad smile. Steph grabbed her coat and left too. She didn't say a word.

Harry looked sad. His girlfriend left the sleepover with his best friends and her best friend to find her because he said some stupid things and got her all upset.

He soon left for his room. We all sooner or later peeled off into our rooms. Later I found out Zayn and Louis went off to see the city and do something instead if sitting around all day. Liam and Harry and I stayed here. We watched movies and tyres to cheer Harry up. He hadn't heard from Steph yet.

I thought back on this morning. Addy was sitting on my bed. She was so close to me. I kinda felt bad. I had this scary thought that I actually liked her that much in such a short time. She only said yes because she felt pressured. That's it.

Day turned to night and I found myself in my pajamas laying on my bed, sleeping soundly. I didn't dream. I was just for once sleeping.



Sorry for the short update with waaaay too much time in between updates I am just a lazy human being with too much to read and not enough motivation to write but I'm back now so yay :)



- "The Liar and the Lighter" by Gabrielle Aplin

- "American Dream" by MKTO

- "Car Radio" by Twenty One Pilots

Hope you enjoyed it you lovely lot :)

-D.C. Allen✨

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