Chapter 11

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I was in the meadow again, the same one from my first dream. Except the trees were turning into beautiful fall colors, the grass now splattered with red and yellow leaves mixed with the usual green. It was pretty.

Addy was across the meadow in a white sundress, flowing behind her as she ran around the open area happily. Her smile was big and so were her eyes. A look of pure freedom donned her features. I grinned softly. We made eye contact and her smile grew bigger. She stopped running. We must've stared at each other for hours.

I took a step towards her, and a gun fired.

I gasped.

A pool of blood showed through her dress in the middle of her stomach. It got bigger and bigger and so did her eyes. Almost like slow motion, she fell to her knees, and then my love, my sweet love, slumped to the soft grass.

I ran to her, slow motion effect not letting up. It felt like forever before I got to her motionless body. Why wasn't she moving? I was too in shock to notice the small hole in her back. I tucked my hands under her body and flipped her onto her back. I sobbed. There was a hand-sized stain of red. Her once sparkling green eyes stared aimlessly into nothing. I sniffled, hoisting her body into my lap and I hugged her tight. There was a similar hole in my chest where my heart used to be, not because of a heater.

I couldn't stop the tears running down my cheeks, some of them staining the white fabric. I can't breathe.

Behind me, I hear cackling. The same sound the evil witch emits when the damsel is slain. Still in my grief, I slowly turned and came to see a lady. Her gown was a deep navy color with what looked to be diamonds sewn into the fabric. A heavy diamond necklace decorated her neck and huge earrings to match. Her lips were red. And her eyes, her cold, grey eyes, gave me shivers down my spine.

The wench kept laughing, and I still wept. She smirked at me, and glanced from me to Addy. She winked at me seductively.

Addy's body gasped and she started coughing harshly. Her pale lips changed to their normal pink rose color. Addy stared at me, just as surprised as I was at the turn of events. Her coughs stopped. She slowly lifted her arms to wrap them around me.

I started coughing. Not like a tickle in your throat cough, but a hacking up a lung cough. I lifted my hand to cover my mouth and when I pulled it back there were spots of deep colored blood.

An excruciating pain developed in my lower stomach, and I looked down to where my hands laid and I saw a similar red spot grow larger and larger.

The hurt was blinding, and it didn't take long for me to pass out from the pain, putting me in a deep sleep.....

My body shot straight up as an unknown person shook me awake quite harshly. Ow, what just hit my head? I rubbed my forehead and opened my eyes a bit to see Addy sitting on my bed looking at me. Well, she was rubbing her head too. Oops.

She chuckled a bit. Then she looked at me with an amused expression. She rested her hands in her lap. She stared at my face for a minute before she spoke.

"Ow. Sorry for hitting your head. You were having a bad dream so I tried to wake you up by shaking your shoulders. Then, yeah."

She scratched the back of her neck nervously.

I just kinda nodded my head. I have been dreaming a lot more recently, but not nightmares. Not like that first night though. That dream was something else. This dream was a nightmare.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I didn't mean to, I promise."

She shrugged, "It's ok."

An awkward silence took over my room. Addy fiddled with her fivers and I sat up from my position in bed to get more comfy. I tried to think if what to say.

"What was your nightmare about?"

I breathed deeply, I have no clue how to do this. How was I supposed to tell dream girl in real life she was shot by a witch, brought back to life, and then I died?

Nope. Not even gonna try.

"Eh, I don't really remember now."

She nodded slightly, still staying quiet.

I took the chance to look her over, more up close.

Her lashes were longer on her left eye than her right, and there was a birth mark just above her left eyebrow. Her nose was slightly crooked, but in a cute way. Her lips were a soft pink color ad her eyes were the greenest I've seen, including Harry. They were almost the same shade as the grass and leaves in the meadow. Her hair was a soft, mousy brown that reached her collarbones.

She was wearing a green sweater four sizes too big for her and grey sweatpants. Her eyelashes framed her eyes so beautifully, making the gold flakes in her eyes pop.

An awkward silence fell upon my room as I searched for anything to say at the moment. Addy had her hands in her lap, fiddling with the fringed stitching in her sweater.

She faced me and I waited for her to say anything. She opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again.

"You got... Um... Right... Ugh..."

She lifted her hand to my hair. Her fingers softly ran through my blonde locks. My hair smoothed out. She pulled her hand back a bit, then tucked a strand behind my ear.

Her hand lingered a bit. I caught her wrist gently with my hand and held it there. Her warm palm held my cheek as we just say there, staring at each other.

I leaned forward slowly. She was thinking the same thing because she started leaning too.

We were about an inch apart when I stopped moving. I looked into her eyes, looking for a sign.

"Can I kiss you?"

I bit my tongue. That was not supposed to come out loud. I looked at her reaction and she was calm and a bit surprised.


I took a deep breathe. I leaned for weds the rest if the way, and then Harry walked in.

"Guys! Breakfast is ready. Steph and Liam made apple streusel pancakes c'mon!" Then he left, not even bothering with the door.

I looked back at Addy, a bit sad about our ruined moment. I couldn't tell what look she had on, but I guess I'd never know. She stood up and left before I could say anything.

I let out my breathe. My feet swung off the bed and rested my elbows on my knees, face in my hands.

I fluffed my hair a bit, looking at the mirror I could see a light blush traveling up my neck. I shook my head, and got up to get dressed for the long, fully packed day Harry has planned for us.




- "The Moment I Knew" by Taylor Swift

- "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift

- "Wonderwall" by Oasis



-D.C. Allen

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