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Hi friends! So it has been a hot second since I even logged into this account, let alone updated this fanfic. I was 14 when I started writing this fanfic with no plan or plot. I was severely depressed after having two close family members pass away within six months of each other. I thought writing would make me feel less alone, and it did. I finally felt useful and productive. Then as I got older and more busy with high school I forgot about my wattpad fanfictions.

I am now 23 years old with two bachelor's degrees living my best life trying to get a job post-graduation. I can imagine many of you grew up as well. I was reminded of my wattpad fanfics by my sister, and she told me to give an update, seeing as I left y'all high and dry. I hope this update finds you well. I'm sure no one is even subscribed or following this thing anymore, but thought I'd do it anyway. I wish I could tell you where this fanfic was going or how I planned to finish it, but I honestly have no clue anymore, please forgive me.

I'm living proof that things get better.

Love you,

D.C. Allen <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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