The New Kids and the Rookie

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Tobin's POV;

    "Can you ever be on time for anything? Like ever?" Amy questioned me with a hint of attitude as we sat down to have a interview about the New Kids.

"Nope." I grinned at her and she rolled her eyes in return. "Come on, I woke up late. Ease up."

"Per usual." Lauren chimed in, coffee in hand. She handed Amy a cup and sat down on my right. I gave her a look and sighed, glancing at the coffee. "What?" She shrugged, chuckling slightly. "Late people don't get coffee."

"Can we just do this thing, we have a training camp to get to." I leaned back as the interviewer stepped in.

"Oh, so you'll be late to everything that's not soccer-related, I get it." Amy laughed quietly and I glared at her jokingly as the interviewer greeted us and the New Kid interview finally started...

[4 hours later]

    "Hi girls! Good to finally have you all here." Pia came over to the three of us and gave us each a hug. "The rest of the girls are already in the dining hall." We nodded and followed her through the hotel to the dining hall where the rest of team was already integrating.

"Look who it is!!!! The Newest Kids!!!!" Pinoe jumped up and bear hugged Amy while Lauren and I doubled over in laughter.

"It's New Kids. Not Newest Pinoe." Lauren corrected with a smile.

"Well you're basically the Newest. Gotta enjoy being the Newest Kids, some day you'll be the Oldest Kids." Pinoe laughed and hugged Lauren and I. Eventually Amy LePeilbet came over to drag Pinoe away so we could say Hi to everyone else.

As we mingled and caught up with everyone I glanced towards the tables that nobody was sitting at yet until Pia was ready to talk to us. Well, not everybody. One girl was sitting awkwardly at a table near the door, trying to look less awkward by fully engaging with her iphone. Her elbows were leaned forward onto the table and her dark brown hair was falling infront of her face. Every now and then she would glance around, looking like a lost puppy.

Just as I was about to walk over, Pia walks to the podium at the front of the room and calls for everyone to sit down. I find a seat next to Lauren and Amy.

"Great to see all of you again, I'm very excited for what this camp will bring. Of course you're all aware that it ends with two games against Puerto Rico, but that's not the important part. This camp is all about training for the 2011 world cup and seeing the improvement in you guys since last year..." Pia continues to talk and I zone out from what she's saying for a moment as I look at the young girl again. She looks uncomfortable, but she sitting at a table with Pinoe so at least she can laugh at her jokes to relieve the awkwardness. Obviously she was just a rookie here; I don't know why I cared. I was new myself. I shouldn't be concerned with the new kids on the team. I looked back to Pia and tried to focus on what she was saying.

Eventually the conversation ended and we all waited to see our room assignments so we could go to sleep for the night. As Amy, Lauren, and I walked up to the list we took gambles on who would be the one man out this time.

"Well, obviously it won't be me, it was me last camp." Lauren noted as we walked over to Pia.

"Oh, cry me a river. It's always me that gets left out. So not fair." Amy complained and I laughed.

"You realize we'll all still be in the same hall. So it's fine, relax." I said nonchalantly, zipping up my sweatshirt more.

"There she goes again with the whole 'Hi, I'm Tobin Heath, chillest person you'll ever meet. Just chill out, dude.'" Amy imitated me and Lauren laughed while I pretended to look offended.

"Lauren you're with Amy." Pia interrupted our conversation as she gave us the room assignments.

I sighed quietly in discontent as the two smiled at me sympathetically and walked off with their room key. Why me?

"Tobin, you're with Alex." Pia said and looked down at her list.

"Who?" I replied. Since when is there an Alex on this team? First I don't even get to room with my two best friends and now I'm rooming with some person I don't even know. Perfect.

"The rookie of the camp. Alex Morgan, I'm sure you've heard of her she just played the World Cup with the Under 20 team. Just make her feel welcome, okay? You can bet she's probably nervous. That's why I put you with her." Pia explained and I nodded, taking the room key from the table.

Again, who?

I walked away from Pia and looked around. I have the room key so this mystery person obviously has to come with me.

"Are you Tobin?" I hear a raspy voice come from behind me and I swing around to meet a pair of beautiful blue eyes. I was taken aback for a moment, her voice was wayyy not what I thought. That's interesting. Snapping away from my thoughts, I gave her my signature smile.

"Yeah, you found me. You must be Alex?" I asked and she nodded slowly and replied with a simple 'yea', still looking overwhelmingly nervous. We made eye contact for a second before she looked down at her shoes again.

    "Alright then," I begin, looking at the girl standing nervously infront of me. "Let's go find our room, bunk pal." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. Wow she had a nice smile. She had a nice everything actually. Wait, What? Who said that? Wasn't me...

I don't even like girls.

[End Chapter 1]

I know it's really bad right now, but I got ideas so if this chapter does alright I'll continue the story :)))

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