No More "Just Friends"

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Alex's POV:

"It's the kiddos!" Abby called with excitement as we walked into the hotel lobby. She ran over and hugged Arod and Cheney and I jumped onto her back. "Babyhorse!" She laughed and spun us around before letting me down and hugging me. "And Toboggan and Squirrel!"

"Enough with the nicknames, Wambuck." Tobin joked and shifted her backpack on her shoulders.

"Watch it, Toby." Abby replied and walked away to greet Syd and Pinoe, who just showed up.

"Alright ladies, here's the roommate list!" Pia called us and we all literally ran over to her. "Okay, children, settle. This is only the list for the next week. Alrighty, Carli and Christie. Kelley and Lauren. Amy and Heather. Alex and Hope. Tobin and Christen. Nicole and Becky. Syd and Abby. Meghan and Meghan..."

I droned out the rest and sat down on one of the lobby's couches next to Tobin.

"Were you even listening?" I smiled at her and she looked up, her eyes widening.

"Huh? To what?"

"Oh, nevermind." I laughed and little bit and rested my head on Tobin's shoulder while playing on my phone. "But you're rooming with Christen."


"Um," I looked around but couldn't see who I was looking for. "I don't remember her last name... um Preston?"

"It's Press." A girl with thick, dark hair and tanned skin walked over to us. "Hi, I'm Christen."

I smiled politely at the girl and out of the corner of my eye I saw Tobin smile, very widely. Really widely. Like fucking beaming. Am I jealous? No. Am I just stating facts? Yes.

"I'm Alex, this is Tobin."

"Oh I know, I'm a huge fan." Christen laughed and gave us a cheeky smile. I must say, she was gorgeous. But not that gorgeous. Apparently, Tobin felt differently because she stood up immediately.

"Cool, let's go get some room keys."

"You know," Syd plopped down next to me, "even when you're giving that cold stare, you look like a little puppy. Really not intimidating."

"Shut up, Syd."

She followed my eyes to Tobin and Christen getting onto the elevator. "Ohhh, I see. Amorgy's got a little crush. Well, we all already know that. Besides the new girl Christen, of course." She smirked and pushed my shoulder a bit. "Maybe you should show what's yours."

"What? Tobin isn't mine."

"Uhuhh. Well why not?"

"Oh my god." I said, rolling my eyes. "Does nobody here know I'm in a relationship!"

"And?" Syd smiled a bit. "I've known you for years, Al. You like Tobin. More than you like Servando. I know it."

"Why do you even think I like Tobin?"

"Apparently everyone on this team knows you two better than you know yourselves." And with that she got up and walked over to get a roomkey.

My head was pounding; I just wanted to take a nap.

Walking into my room, I saw Hope's shit all over the place already. Wow.

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