Night Out - Part 2

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Alex's POV:

We walked into the hotel and pass the front desk and onto the elevator.

It was quiet.

My eyes followed the blinking light on the levels of floors as it dinged on floor 6. I don't know what I was thinking. Why was my mind blank? All I could think of was Tobin. Why didn't I just tell her it was fine? That it was okay for her to put her hand on my back? Maybe it wasn't okay. I don't know. Maybe I don't like her that way.

But, honestly. Who am I fucking kidding. I literally took her sweatshirt. And she let me. I pulled the fabric closer to my body as we walked down the hall in silence. It smelled just like her.

"After you." Tobin said as she opened the door to our room and stepped back.

"What a gentleman, Tobs." I joked, stepping inside. Tobin's cheeks flushed at the nickname and she shot me a sheepish smile.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" Tobin asked as we sat down on her bed, closest to the door.

"I don't care. You pick."

"Alrighty then." Tobin replied and smiled as she opened her laptop and clicked open Netflix.

After a few minutes she placed the laptop at the bottom of the bed and we both laid back, leaning on pillows.

"Seriously? The Breakfast Club?" I laughed slightly and Tobin smiled.

"What? It's a classic." Tobin said very matter-of-factly. She relaxed and crossed her arms behind her head, looking extremely chill. I stared at her for a moment, she looked so hot yet cute at the same time. Stop, Alex. Stop. "What, lex?"

I shook my head. "Sorry."

"You say sorry too much, relax."

"Sorr-" I started and then stopped, smiling as Tobin laughed at me. God, the sound of her laugh was so beautiful. I leaned back more, trying to focus on the movie. But I couldn't. Every few minutes Tobin chuckle at something in the movie and I would look at her, taking the time to watch how her lips turned upwards, perfectly fitting into her cheeks, which perfectly settled around the crinkles that formed at the corners of her eyes when she smiled, which perfectly- goddamn Alex, stop, you're rambling.

"Are you gonna watch the movie or what." Tobin questioned as she turned her head to meet my eyes. Her chocolate brown eyes made my stomach twist. She sent me a playful smirk and her eyes darted down to my lips and back to my eyes as quick as lightning. Maybe too quick. I was probably imagining it. Right?

"I'm watching."

"You're definitely watching something." Tobin said quietly, keeping her eyes on the laptop in front of us.

I ignored what she said, trying to focus on the movie. To no avail. Eventually I heard Tobin sigh and I glanced at the space between us. A foot or so. I turned onto my side to try and get more comfortable. It didn't work. The mattress was hard and rigid. I turned onto my back. The space between us shortened to about half a foot.

As the movie continued I felt myself dozing off. I always fall asleep during movies. It didn't help that Tobin's sweatshirt was extremely warm and soothing. Half-asleep, I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

Tobin's POV:

I tried to focus on the movie. It was hard to do when a beautiful girl was falling asleep next to you. Every minute or so, I glanced over at her. She was trying her best to keep her eyes open, but her eyelids kept fluttering. It was adorable. Soon she fully fell asleep, letting her head fall down onto her shoulder as she used her arm as a pillow. She looked even more adorable, if that was possible. The space between us shortened to only a few inches.

I let the movie play until it was over, knowing Alex wasn't watching anymore, but it was okay. I started watching Grey's Anatomy and pulled the laptop over so it was on my lap. Alex started to snore slightly and I smiled at her.

"T-Tobin." Alex mumbled and turned onto her side.

"Hmm, Alex?" I responded, keeping my eyes on my laptop.

"Toby," Alex mumbled again and I cringed at the name. I hated the name Toby. Reminded me of my family. But I did hate it slightly less when she said it. I turned my head to look at her. She looked so small and peaceful under the sheets. "Tobiiinnnnn" She mumbled louder and I waved my hand in front of her face. She was fully asleep. I wonder if she's dreaming about me. I smiled at the thought as I felt a weight come onto my arm.

Alex moved closer and settled her head onto my shoulder. I felt my body tense and my heart rate quicken. Alex continued to snore adorably and I let my muscles relax. Slowly she moved closer to me, painfully slow. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding and closed the laptop. I laid down further on the bed and Alex moved even closer, laying her arm over my waist.

That's it, fuck it.

I moved my arm so it was under Alex's shoulder as she rested her head on my chest. Her arm was still draped across my stomach and I put my hand on her lower back, pulling her closer. She tensed up suddenly and I wondered if she was awake. She sighed slightly and nuzzled her face into my neck, sending chills down my spine.

Just as I felt myself drifting off, she moved closer, turning herself so she was literally on top of me. She pulled her leg over so she was halfway on top of me, her leg across my own legs. I involuntarily smiled, putting my free hand on Alex's thigh. For a moment I thought I heard a small gasp, but I'm probably wrong. I felt my chest tighten and my insides burn as I felt Alex's heartbeat.

"I like you, Alex."

There, I said it.

I looked down at her, making sure she was asleep. I thought I saw her lips twitch upward. But I'm probably wrong.

End of Chapter 6;
Sorry for the v v infrequent updates I literally can only write on the weekends bc of school and sports and college shit :/ but lmk what you guys think of this story so far, I have tons of ideas :))))

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