Not Ready

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Alex's POV:

Once we reached the door I heard moving inside and I asked Tobin to put me down. She looked sad for a moment, but I didn't want people to know. Why didn't I want people to know? I don't know. Maybe it's because of Servando... maybe not. I'm not sure.

"Heyyyyy lovebi...." Kelley started to say but Cheney hit her shoulder. "I mean, hey lovelies, where have you been?"

"Just a walk." I said and they all looked at me skeptically.

"Yeah," Tobin said, "you guys were too busy sleeping and we were bored."

"Mhmm," Kelley started again, about to say something else but Arod this time nudged her. "I mean, yeah alright. I think I'm going to bed now."

"Well I'm not sure where everyone is going to sleep." Tobin said, walking over to her closet where she kept extra pillows and blankets.

"Arod and I can fit on the couch." Cheney mentioned.

"Are you sure? It's pretty small."

"I'm sure, Toby." Cheney took the blankets and pillows from Tobin and I saw Tobin's face scrunch at the nickname.

"Well us three can fit in the bed, can't we?" I said while walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I came back out Kelley was in the kitchen, eating oreos. "You going to bed soon, Kels?"

"Yeah, yeah. In a min." She replied with a mouthful of oreos.

Walking into the bedroom, I saw Tobin already in bed, playing on her phone. I moved the covers and got in myself, leaning back. "Flappy bird, seriously?"

"What? Quality game." Tobin shrugged and continued to play. "Actually, it's a really dumb game, you're right." She put away her phone and laid back. "Can we talk about... us?" She said and I looked down at my hands.

"Ummm," I began and Kelley hopped into the room. I let out a sigh of relief as she jumped into the bed, right in the middle of us.

"Bedtime!" Kelley whisper-yelled and snuggled into the covers.

"This bed is soooo not for three adults." I laughed quietly as we tried to make room for one another. "Kelley, I'm falling off." I said as kelley pressed closer to me.

Soon we got comfortable and I fell asleep.

Tobin's POV:

I couldn't sleep. I rolled over and looked at Kelley and Alex, both sound asleep. Kelley was sprawled in the bed, with her legs on my side but her head resting on Alex. But what's new.

Sighing, I looked up at the ceiling. Did Alex seem hesitant to talk about us? Why? Was it because of Servando? Maybe, maybe not. Her family? I don't know. Is she worried about her image? She probably doesn't actually like me... but then why did she kiss me first?

I tried to put the thoughts out of my mind and rolled over onto my side.

Alex's POV:

"Wake up, lex. Wake up." I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and I opened my eyes to see Kelley leaning over me.

"What?" I looked around at the window and the growing sunlight. "What time is it? You know I hate waking up early."

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