Chapter 4

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  After the graduation, Sirius and Scarlett started live together. Sirius wanted to marry immediately but Scarlett didn't want to, she thought that they are too young to get married. Sirius respected her decision,they were like a married couple anyway. 

 Scarlett studied the dark arts and defense against the dark arts for years and she wanted to write a book about them and the spells that she's invited . Sirius wasn't working for now. Already their families are one of the richest wizarding families, they didn't need to work at all actually but Scarlett wanted to be DADA professor at Hogwarts and the Minister of Magic,like her grandpa and mother, in the future. By the way Sirius joins Order Of The Phoneix with other marauders and some friends. But Scarlett didn't join, she didn't want to. She didn't join the Death Eaters neither. But she agreed the idea of keeping muggles out of the wizarding world. And her Slytherin friends wanted her to join them because they believed that Scarlett'd be useful for them. Sirius worried about her sometimes but didn't say anything at all.

Two years later she completed her book and published it. Death Eaters were interested in it a lot and after a while Voldemort noticed it and read. Actually he liked it very much and wanted to see Scarlett. Lucius told her that. She got scared at first naturally but at the same time she got excited because Dark Lord has liked her book about dark arts! She felt proud and decided to meet with him but she wouldn't be saying anything to Sirius. At night Sirius has gone to Order's meeting and after him, she met with Lucius and he took her to Voldemort.

 Lucius and Scarlett appareted to Malfoy Manor. He did lead her to the big hall where Voldemort was sitting on a big chair and holding her book. Her breaths got quick at the sight of him but tried to calm herself down. "My Lord, i took her." Said Lucius and bowed slightly. "Leave us alone Lucius. Your job is done here." Lucius bowed again and leaves the room immediately. Scarlett stayed still and looked at the floor. "Come closer, Scarlett..." He hissed. She walked over him slowly. "I really liked your book, you know many things about dark arts, don't you?" She nodded slightly. "You are a pureblood Slytherin and also you are relative with Salazar Slytherin. Am i right?" Scarlett nodded again. "Very good." Voldemort stood up and walked around her slowly. "I want to see you by my side Scarlett Serafina Rose" he whispered into her ear. She shivered slightly and didn't know what to do. There were so many things on her mind right now. "I know your thoughts are similar with mine, Scarlett, you can be very powerful with me. I am the only one person who will support your dark art skills. Think about that. You can leave now." She left the room quickly and took a deep breath. After calmed down a bit she walked out and decided to walk to the home. She needed to think. When Scar arrived home, Sirius was not at home yet. She poured a glass of wine and sat on the sofa. What should ı do she thought, if she chooses to be a death eater, Sirius will absolutely hate that and probably won't trust her anymore. But the other hand she can show her skills and people will appreciate her. She fell asleep on the sofe with mixed thoughts.

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