Ch.4 New purpose

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I woke up from my blackout to see the entire village completely gone, burned away. The only thing I had on me were the bottom of my armor I could've summoned something to wear but I was to caught up in my situation,"how...How did this happen?" I looked around at the bodies and the cut gems when I realized something,"Teruko!" I ran towards the temple when I saw that there was nothing there but ash and burnt wood and I began to cry again,"no... I...I'm so sorry....I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..." I screamed into the air cursing the day I was made,"none of this would have happened...If I never existed...." I got up and walked away from the village to the cemetery to pay my respects to people who lost their lives,"for those who died because of my doing please find it in your hearts to forgive me, for I have failed in protecting you and your homes, I was weak and I have dishonored you...And I will leave and hope that your journey to the afterlife will give you time to forgive me." I began to walk down the hill when someone out of nowhere came out in front of me,"GAH! w-who are you...?" He looked up at me and I saw that it was Ryu,"hello again Obsidian." "R-ryu..." "I'm sorry for what happened to your village and those you loved..." I looked down in disappointment,"I...I couldn't save them...None of them..." "No one could, but I must tell you now that they know, they know that you tried, they knew that you wanted to save them but they also knew that it wouldn't be done if you were captured." "How do you know this?" He smiled and suddenly thousands of spirits surrounded him,"they told me." I looked at the spirit's smiling faces as they dissipated into the afterlife,"how did you..." He smiled,"I once wore the armor you were wearing." My eyes widened,"you were..." He nodded,"I am thankful for what you have done, but I need you to do something for Teruko and Asami, they can't go into the afterlife without finding you love, once you do they can finally rest in peace." I nodded,"but you must have more training in case those gems come back and try to end you instead of taking you." I look at him with curiosity,"how...Who else can train me?" He smiled as more spirits showed up this time they were the spirit's of warriors

Who else can train me?" He smiled as more spirits showed up this time they were the spirit's of warriors

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"These warriors will teach you vigorously until you are ready to set off to find love once again." I smiled,"I'd be honored." I bowed to them as they did the same. "Let's get started.

*Timeskip year:2017*

It's been 413 years I've been trained by every warrior imaginable in their homelands and once again I was visited by Ryu,"I see that you have completed you're training obsidian-san,do you feel ready?" I nodded,"go, help others,find love,make the world safe again." I nodded as I took a few steps back and ran as fast as I could and jumped off the cliff into the ocean,"off to wherever the ocean takes me."

*Steven POV*
I was outside on the beach with Connie,"so Steven how was training for you today?" She asked as we made our way to my dad's car wash,"meh, it was alright we could have done something much cooler than just slicing the hologram pearl made, maybe we could have done a backflip and then cut her." She laughed and I blushed a little (A/N: I ship Connie and Steven what do you expect) "wait, Steven what's that?" She pointed at something on the beach just lying there, "let's check it out." I followed her and we stopped when we got to it. It looked like a person but different like a gem "What is it?" "I don't know..." We picked him up and took him back to the temple.


The gems and I stared at him as we layed him on the floor,"is he a gem?" Amathyst asked staring at him,"I don't know I've never heard of male gems before...Maybe we should wait until garnet gets here..." Pearl said worried. I nodded and carried him to my bed,"it's like he's made of bricks..." I said struggling up the stairs. About an hour later Garnet came home,"Steven, what are you doing?" I came down and led her to the male gem,"this guy, I found him on the beach." She smiled,"we meet again my friend." "Wha?" She shook him and he began to wake up,"huh wha?" He looked at Garnet,"do I know you?..." He asked her,she smiled,"under different circumstances." His eyes widened and began to laugh and hug her,"it's been so long." I looked at Garnet,"you know him?" She smiled,"he's an old friend, we met a looong time ago." They hugged again,"you've changed...You're hair used to be so colorful." They laughed so I left them alone.

*Obsidian POV*

After I woke up and talked to Garnet as she's called,I decided to look outside and see how the world has changed,"the world is a lot different than it was before..." Garnet came up next to me,"it's changed alright, did you ever find love?" I looked down remembering Teruko,"I did...But...I lost her..." She looked at me with a sad expression,"I'm sorry...But like I said when we met... You'll find it again." She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek and went back inside,"maybe I will..." I walked down to beach city and looked around,"hm...A lot more people now..." "Sure are." The kid from the temple was standing next to me,"oh hey. What's your name again?" "It's Steven, so why are you here? Not being rude." "I came here for a new purpose." He smiled at me and I Pat his head as he led me down the docks. I think I'm gonna like it here in beach city.

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