Ch.16 Home

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*3rd POV*

On homeworld the crowd had left and white obsidian was still unconscious, he wakes up with a jolt feeling the back of his head the small mechanism the the peridot had placed on him was now broken and disabled,"what when?.... obsidian he did this to me." He got up as best he could and made his way towards the docks where his ship was,"Guard! where's my ship?!" She ran up and pointed to the the far right,"AHH! THAT FAR?!" "I-I could take you there myself if you want, s-sir." He only growled,"no I'll make it over there, just go back to your post and if I'm not back on homeworld...tell the diamonds I was shattered on the way to Earth." "W-why?" "Just tell them that. My ship has an unstable engine that the diamonds refused to let me use, if I use it for to long the ship becomes unsafe to fly and overheats the systems, once that happens the ship stops working on the spot and gives you 5 whole minutes before, kaboom. No more ship. Now go." The guard nodded and ran off. White walked as best he could to his ship and started it up. "Don't think I won't forget what you did to me obsidian. I need to give you something for what you did." White flew out of homeworld's atmosphere and immediately went into the fastest speed his ship could go. "Nothing will stop me."

*Obsidian POV*

As the ship was edging closer to Earth we tried to find a place to land,"where the heck is beach city? It has to be somewhere near here." I said trying to find it On the map but I couldn't understand it,"man have I really spent that much on Earth that I don't even remember my on lag- oh wait nevermind there it is." I said pointing to it,"very well I shall land us immediately." Sophi said putting the coordinates into the system,"good....hey wait we're still-!!" I tried to stop her but I was too late we were still outside of Earth's atmosphere and we were coming in too fast, we were like a meteor diving into the earth," obsidian! We're going off course!" I could barely hear her from the back of the ship,"JUST.... DON'T...CRAASSSHH!!!" I yelled at her trying to get back to the cockpit.


We crashed on the edge of Empire City and we walked out and examined the wreck,"yeah... we're not going back into space anytime soon." Sophi looked around,"look there a vehicle that might take us to our destination much faster." I looked over and saw a motorcycle with a sidecar attached

" I looked over and saw a motorcycle with a sidecar attached

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"There is a note attached with the keys obsidian." I walked over to it and read the note,'To whoever reads this note, I no longer want this bike I waste too much money on it and I dislike the design, I left the keys and everything you need good luck.' "huh...sweet." I got on the seat and Sophi got into the sidecar,"ready?" Sophi smiled brightly as she placed the only helmet that we found on her head,"let's go!" She said pointing to our destination,"I'm on my way love." I revved the engine and drove off at top speed, hopefully the police can't see us.

(A/N: 1:10 is where this is happening.)

We drove past the sign at the start of Beach City and watched as people followed us and chased us to the middle of the city,"OBSIDIAN YOURE BACK WE WERE ALL WORRIED! "Yeah! Steven and the gems are worried sick." I got off the bike,"speaking of which I have to be somewhere." I ran towards the beach and found the gems on the edge of the water,"GUYS!!" They turned to see me running towards them, blue pearl pushed them aside and saw me with wide eyes,"obsidian? He's... HE'S OK!" She ran towards me arms extended,"BLUE!" "OBSIDIAN!!" We kept running until we met and I hugged her tight and we both fell as a wave from the water hot us both I laughed and so did she, but I also saw tears but they were tears of joy, "I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" "So did I, I hoped to see your face again." I caressed her face with my hand as we sat up,"obsidian, I...I wanted to say I lo-" suddenly An explosion appeared in the sky and a pod flew right into the far side of the beach,"COME ON! REALLY?!" White burst out of the pod and landed Hard on the ground and stumbled towards us,"obsidian! I came for you! And only YOU!" he kept stumbling and eventually fell to his knees,"look, you're obviously hurt, I don't want to hurt you anymore. Just go back home." He handed me a piece of broken tech and put it in my hand,"what's this?" He looked up at me his eyes were different, they weren't the piercing deadly eyes that could strike fear into anyone he dislikes but they were more gentle, almost puppy like,"I...I'm so sorry. I never meant to do anything of what I did or even say." I looked at the piece of tech,"everything you did, everything you said, all because of this?" He looked down and nodded,"when I was made I was just like you in every way. combat, they told me that I'd always spare them, that I wasn't ruthless enough. So they strapped me down and put that thing on me, then it all happened, I destroyed my own kind, I took the lives of those who didn't deserve entire body out of my control, I had to watch and listen to the horrible, horrifying acts that I was torture." He began to cry, his tears fell like waterfalls, it was like his tears were held back for years not being able to let them out at all,"I'm...I'm so sorry for what I did to you especially...." He kept sobbing, I knelt down to his level, and hugged him close, he stopped his crying for a while,"I forgive you... you've been through every horrible thing you can imagine....just like me." He held me close and buried his face into my shoulder,"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." "'s's ok, it's over, it's all over." We spent a few minutes talking to each other after calming down white, "so you've never had pizza? It's amazing!" He laughed a little I actually liked his laugh," well, I think we should go our separate ways obsidian, it's been fun." I shook his hand and as he began to look for a way to go,"um obsidian dear? Where will he go? He has nowhere to go and no one to be with. What will he do?" I thought for a second and ran up to him,"hey wait!" He turned around,"what is it?" I held his shoulders,"I need you to do something for me." He nodded,"I want you to carry on my mission." "Your... mission?" "My mission was to find love, and well...I think I found it with her." I pointed at blue pearl and she waved at me,"love? I think I'll try that. Thanks." He began to walk in the direction I came from on my motorcycle,"see ya around." I said as I walked away. I went up to blue as she helped Sophi pack the last of what we were taking. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with us? We could always find a home for you here."  I pat Steven on the head,"sorry buddy, I'd love to but I think it's best we make our own home somewhere." He smiled as we said our goodbyes to everyone,"good bye my friend. I hope you come and visit." "I will Garnet. I promise." Blue sat on the seat and motioned me to get on,"before we go my dear obsidian I want to say that I love-" I rolled my eyes and kissed her. I was the best kiss I have ever had,"" I laughed,"I know, I love you too." We kissed again as I got on,"we'll see you soon!" I revved the engine and drove off. My journey is finally over.




Obsidian: Joel McDonald

Blue Pearl: Deedee Magno-Hall

White obsidian: Christopher Wehkamp

Green Sapphire/Sophi: Laura Bailey

L.Obsidian: Mathew Mercer

S.Obsian: Nika Futterman 

Asami: Kyla Rae kowalewski

Teruko: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn


Obsidian: Tim McIlrath

Blue pearl: Amy Lee

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