Ch.15 The Escape

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*obsidian POV*
I was in my old cell, Sophi was there in cuffs staring at me,"obsidian? Are you...are you alright?" I shook my head,"I'm never going home...I thought I could...but it all went wrong." I looked up where the light from the outside shone and tears fell from my eyes,"I'll never see my loved ones again..." She walked over to me and hugged me from behind,"have hope obsidian, I believe you have a chance to see them one last time." I looked away as a guard opened the cell,"it's time." She said as she put on more chains on me and led me to the elevator,"you too pipsqueak." The other guard said taking Sophi. Once up top Sophi was taken to White's booth,"why am I here?" she said,"just stay here and don't move." Sophi only nodded and watched as my arms were chained separately to two different poles,"so the day has finally arrived, any last words boy?" White said as he roughly messed up my hair. He summoned his weapon, the crowd was silent as he raised his sword but he stopped when a communicator floated our way,"ah, I almost forgot I sent one of these to Earth. I wanted you to at least have a chance to say goodbye to the people who kept you there, now make it quick." As the communicator activated Steven and the gems appeared,"OBSIDIAN! are you ok?" I shook my head,"but... you're coming back right? You're gonna get out of those cuffs and find a way home right?" I shook my head again,"goodbye...I'm sorry I can't come home I don't think I ever will..." "but...but you have can't give up..." I looked away until I heard blue's voice,"obsidian?" I looked back at her,"obsidian! Oh my goodness! You're alive!" I watched her tears flow down her cheeks,"what have they done to you..." "I got into a fight....maybe more." She wiped her tears,"I'm so sorry for what you went through..." I smiled slightly but looked at white who tapped his wrist where a watch would be and lost that smile,"obsidian my dear?" I looked back up at blue pearl," you believe we can be together again?" I looked down not knowing what to say,"obsidian?" White smiled as tears fell from my face.

"Obsidian I-" blue was cut off,"yeah yeah yeah let's get on with it." He hit me with the but of his sword,"do you honestly think I care about them?" He hit me again,"I would honestly have them watch you get shattered." He kicked me and like before, my vision became blurry, "unlike you I won't think twice about sparring you, I.will. end you." He hit me with his knee and I blacked out. It was dark again, cold, uncomfortably calm. "I failed...I deserve this." "No! You do not!" I looked up and there was the voice of my old mentor,"you can still come out of this! Have you forgotten what they've done?!" He pointed to the right and a vision of the village that the gems who came after me burned down, I heard their screams I watched as the buildings burned,"No..NO!!" I shook my head,"did you forget what they've done? What they caused?!" "No! Stop!" "Remember!" I had flashes of when they dragged Teruko and Asami out of their home and into the temple,"NO! DONT!" "Relax, they're just humans." "Remember what they did to them!" "Obsidian help!" I heard their voices louder than any noise I've heard in decades "REMEMBER YOUR ANGER!"

*3rd POV*

Obsidian woke up from his blackout his eyes glowing bright and full of anger. White took some steps back,"my my, it seems he's angry." Obsidian began to stand up

Obsidian grabbed the chains and began to pull as hard as he could, he began to growl like a wild animal,"GRRRAAAA!!!" He bared his teeth and they almost looked like they became fangs. White only laughed,"hahahaha! Look at him he's gone insane! Hahaha!" He yanked himself free from the chains and summoned his weapons,"Grr...COME ON! FIGHT ME!!" obsidian said,"Oh hohoho!! Yes!! FINALLY!!" white summoned his weapons as well and they both ran at each other at which point an epic battle ensued. Sparks flew, swords clashed, different weapons were used, they doged, they parried, they eventually met each other's gaze as there weapons made an X shape in front of their faces,"COME ON BOY! you've done all you can! I doubt you can do more. Give up!" At that moment, obsidian leaned his head back and slammed it into White's face,"GAH! why you little!!" Obsidian held white by the collar of his uniform and kept headbutting him in the face repeatedly without any manner of slowing down or stopping, white now on the ground, grappling with obsidian, held his face far from his own,"ok! You wanna play like that?! I'll play!" White used both thumbs and poked obsidian in his glowing eyes, obsidian yelled in pain and he covered his eyes. White stood up and kicked obsidian right in his face putting him on his back, "aw, what's wrong? the little obsidian can't see?" White said mockingly as obsidian stood back up and bared his teeth again,"ooo scary. You bite me or something boy huh?" In obsidian's mind, he shouldn't have said that, he lunged himself at white bit into his arm with intense force. White screamed in agony as obsidian's fang like teeth sunk into the arm they were attached to. "Ahh! Get off me!!" Obsidian bit harder,"AH!" He began to hit him as hard as he could to try and get him off but it only made him bite harder, so instead he began to slam obsidian against the wall which eventually made him let go. Now the fight continued, obsidian's swords clashed with White's. The fight went on for the longest time, the crowd on the edge of their seats watching this event most silent others screaming at the top of their lungs cheering. White became angry at this and kicked obsidian in his right knee,"gah!" He let out as the pain surged through he held his hurt knee, white took the opportunity and slammed obsidian's face with his own knee and sent him on his back. Obsidian's eyes regained their pupils as he tried to get back up and find his bearings.

*Obsidian POV*

"Ugh...ow...." I looked around wondering what happened,"well that was fun wasn't boy?" I looked over in White's direction as he kicked me in the face. He picked me back up and made me stand on my feet,"c'mon boy. Don't tell me you're tuckered out already!" White said laying an onslaught of fists on obsidian's face,"FIGHT BACK!" white hit me in the jaw and I hit the floor. We both breathed heavily,"that was fun, you know after I shatter you I think I'll take a visit to Earth, shatter every gem hiding there..." I looked around dazed and found a big rock next to me and reached for it,"I'll start with those Crystal gems you call friends, I think...I think I'll start with that pearl you care so much about." My eyes regained their terrifying glow and used the rock he found and hit white with it as hard as I could,"don't you DARE! Lay a single finger on her!" I beat white non-stop and put him against the wall and summoned a dagger and raised it high. White began to laugh,"heheahah...I knew you'd have something of mercilessness in you. Go ahead finish me off prove me right, that you're just like me boy." My eyes lost the glow at the realization,"no. I'll never be like you." White for the first time in his life he looked confused,"huh?" I punched white knocking him out and walked away. I walked over to to where white usually sits and made my way up to his booth and there was Sophi,"I knew you'd succeed, but we must away. The guards might arrive sooner than expected." I nodded affirmatively and ran out the door and down the hall carrying Sophi in my arm, as we ran down every corner we ran into some guards trying to find us,"sh." Sophi nodded as we slowly walked the other way and out the building. "Ok now what?" Sophi pointed to the ship docks,"there. There might be some empty ships or more guards. The odds of this are uncertain." "HEY!" I turned around and found the guards at the door,"DOCKS IT IS!" I ran as fast as I could.

I ran into the street and found myself surrounded by buildings and other gems,"GET HIM! DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE!" I looked up and looked at all the flying pods with gems inside them getting to where they need to be. I had Sophi hold on to me as I carried her on my back while I made my way up a tall building. I reached a ledge and placed myself on it and waited for a pod to land on,"HEY! G-GET BACK HERE!" I made my way slowly across the ledge,"one of these pods is coming our way it's best to stay for the next 20 seconds until it comes, I will tell you when." "C-COME ON! J-JUST oh man...JUST COME WITH US A-AND WE CAN SAFELY GO DOWN AND BACK INTO SOME NICE WARM CELLS." The guard said with her eyes opening and closing from time to time trying not to look down,"Now." I jumped off the ledge and held onto a fast moving pod for dear life. I looked from side to side and saw that the guards now had their own transportation,"STOP THE POD NOW! IN THE NAME OF YELLOW DIAMOND I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!" The window of the pod opened and I was a Ruby shaking her fist at the guards and yelling at them,"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" She then saw us,"oh hey guys. Come on in!" I jumped in with Sophi as this Ruby punched it as fast as she could with a giant smile on her face,"so where you guys headed? I'll let you off once we're somewhere near." "We're headed to the docks where all the ships are. We plan to take one to Earth and leave all this." She looked at us and nodded,"I was planning to go there myself but then again I have some people to take care of here. They need me as much I need them." I smiled,"yeah, I have someone I have to go back to as well." She looked back in the front window and said,"we're here go ahead and take off." Sophi wrapped her arms around my neck again and held on,"thank you!" We jumped off and tried to find a good place to land,"you're welcome!!" I spotted a single guard and aimed for her. She only looked around from left to right until,"iiiiiiiiIIIIIIINNNNNCOOOOOOMMMMIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!" "Wha- oh!" We landed on her as the impact poofed her into her gem form,"sorry." I stood up and ran around to find a ship,"come on come on. Where's a good ship when you need one?" I said only finding warships,"obsidian. Over here a Ruby ship." I ran to her,"nice. Hopefully no one will need it especially the Ruby who helped us." We got in and flew out of the docks and through the atmosphere,"we're out of homeworld obsidian, we can go wherever we want now." I smiled,"blue, I'm coming home."

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