Interview with LadyAstor

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How did you come up with your username?

~My original username was chocoloco10 but I didn't like it so I changed

it to LadyAstor. Lady Astor (the real one) was the first woman to sit as a Member of Parliament in the British House of Commons (hurray for history!). Her quotes are some of the wittiest and funniest things ever: "I married beneah me. All women do.", "The only thing I like about rich people is their money.", "I refuse to say that I am older thant 52, even if it makes my sons illegimate." See why I named myself after her? LadyAstor is also my username on a game on iPod called Haypi Kingdom.

How did you find out about Wattpad?

~A friend told me about Wattpad almost a year ago. I didn't pay much attention to it then, but some time after that I saw the Wattpad app at the app store . I downloaded it in and I was hooked instantly! I spent a long time just reading stories before I actually got myself a profile.

Is this the only writing website you use?

~I'm also on but I rarely use that account. Wattpad is

my main website. My name at is Thingamabob if anyone is

interested in looking for me.

What was the first thing you wrote? Is it here on wattpad?

~The first story I wrote was back in 4th grade. One day, I dreamt that

I was getting married with one of my friends from school and I was

freaking out because I didn't want to marry him. I though the dream

was funny and I wrote a really short story about a girl from another

planet that has to marry a rich guy to pay of her family's debt (huh,

this sounds so familiar ::points at What's Hot list::). I think I

still have the notebook where I wrote it somewhere. I wrote 7 books

after that on notebooks, with drawings and covers and everything. They

were short and my grammar wasn't the best, but of course I've gotten

better over time. I haven't put up a long story of mine on Wattpad. Yet.

Do any of your friends or family read your writing? If so how do you feel about this?

~My friends read my writing sometimes and they give me opinions and ideas. My family doesn't read my stories, but they say they support me.

Do you plan to get one of your books published in the future?

~I would love to be published in the future, but I don't have any formal plan to do so now.

Who inspires you the most?

~I'm inspired by other writers. That's why I love Wattpad, because it lets you interact with other writers.

When you come up with a good idea do you write it down, or start a new book?

~Depends. Sometimes I write it down if i have the chance and don't forget, but other times I don't have a pen and a paper or my iPod handy and I end up forgetting.

How often do you come up with and idea

~I come up with ideas often but sometimes I forget to write them down. Some of my best ideas come when I'm daydreaming or spaced out but I forget them easily!

What's the best piece of advice you've gotten from somebody about writing?

~Just keep writing, even if it sounds bad. My english teacher says that when we're writing essays and things like that. I'm really critical with my writing and I often go back to make unnecesary changes., which slows me down and is very frustrating!

Is there anything you want to say to the viewers?

~Well, I hope you enjoy my stories and random crap as much as I love writing it , and I hope you have a fun time in Wattpad!

Now i'm going to ask you a couple random questions so your fans can get to know you better.

What's your fav color?

~Purple, becuase it's tougher than pink!

What's your favorite movie?

~ I like Inception, Slumdog Millionaire, Lion King, Wall-E, The Twilight Saga (Eclipse is my favorite. Team Edward!), and The Social Network. Weird tastes, right?

Do you have a favorite actor or actress?

~I don't have a favorite actor, but I like Natalie Portman, Robert Pattinson, Matt Dallas, Johnny Depp, and Benicio del Toro.

What's your favorite wattpad book?

~I'm digging Soul Snatching by eyeofthebeholder and Pregnancy Pandemic by Ari3ll3-Sanazay.

What's your favorite nonwattpad book?

~My tastes change from time to time, but right now I'm obssesing over

the Immortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. Her stories are so

action packed and vivid that you almost have blood and ichor splashing all over you. They're that epic.

Do you have a favorite wattpad author?

~My favorite Wattpad writer of all time is DanaeAyusso. She wrote the

first story I ever read on Wattpad, Forbbiden Alliance: A Werewolf

Tale. She left Wattpad (NOOOO!) but I still think her stories are

some of the best and funniest stories on Wattpad.

Do you have a favorite nonwattpad author?

~Ooooh, I can't decide. I love so many authors! Some of my favorites

are Edgar Allen Poe, Sussanea Collins, Cassandra Clare, Stephanie

Meyer, Douglas Adams and Emily Dickingson. Isn't it weird that Poe and

Meyer are in the same list?

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