Interview with always_a_dreamer

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Interview with always_a_dreamer

How did you come up with your username?�

Well, it was really just one of those spur of the moment things, and it just kind of stuck.

How did you find out about Wattpad?�

I was searching for a place to read books that were new and different. Wattpad was the first one that came up, and I am really glad it did.

Is this the only writing website you use?

What was the first thing you wrote? Is it here on wattpad?�

The first thing I wrote was a short story about a girl who never really fit in, and I was around twelve at the time. I had handed it up as a class assignment, and I got really high marks. However, when I brought it home to show my parents they basically told me it was awful, so I ran out of the house, hid in a park nearby and ripped it up. Oh, and no it is not on Wattpad.

Do any of your friends or family read your writing? If so how do you feel about this?

Only one of my four elder sisters have read my stories, and I only really started showing her them recently. I don't really get on well with my family and they have never cared any of the times I told them about it. I don't really share personal things with my friends so that is a no no.

Do you plan to get one of your books published in the future?�

Maybe, I might. It is a definite possibility. So we will just have to wait and see.

Who inspires you the most?�

This may sound weird, but people like Plato, Einstein, Socrates and Shakespeare inspire me the most. I just think that to do the things they did, at the times they did them, is awe inspiring. Socrates was executed mainly because he asked questions about the evils in he world and the Greeks thought that instead of eliminating these evils, then they should get rid of the questioners.

When you come up with a good idea do you write it down, or start a new book?�

I write it out, and then see where my pen takes me.

How often do you come up with and idea?�

I don't just sit down, and decide I am going to write a story. I wait until that perfect moment, when the words just fall off you tongue, and you begin to see the pictures in your head that you are creating, without any sort of out side influence. Then, I put pen to paper.

What's the best piece of advice you've gotten from somebody about writing?

Always put a part of you in each story, because if you put yourself in the character shoes, then the readers will believe it more.

Is there anything you want to say to the viewers?�

Thank you for reading my stories, and to those of you who haven't, feel free, though I warn you, i have been told they inspire vivid nightmares.

Now I'm going to ask you a couple random questions so your fans can get to know you.�

What's your favorite color?


What's your favorite movie?

The Illusionist

Do you have a favorite actor or actress?�

Actress: Helena Bonham Carter

Actor: Johnny Depp

What's your favorite wattpad book?

I can't narrow it down to just one.

What's your favorite nonwattpad book?�

Darren Shan series book 12 The Sons of Destiny

Do you have a favorite wattpad author?

I adore too many to just pick one.


Do you have a favorite nonwattpad author?�

Darren Shan. He made me the Horror and Fantasy writer I am today.

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