interview with xxtaytayxx

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1. How did you come up with your username?

I got my username Cause taytay is my nick name and I just added xx to the sides, just cause

2. How did you find out about Wattpad?

My mother is also a writers, I started writing on (Justin bieber story's) and, mom told me about wattpad on my birthday and I forgot for a couple days ,then I remembered and made a account

3. Is this the only writing website you use?

mostly, when I have uploaded on wattpad I will go to quizilla and ad my already finished story's

4. What was the first thing you wrote? Is it here on wattpad?

the first thing I ever wrote was a biography on me and my family when I was 7, no its not on here

5. Do any of your friends or family read your writing? If so how do you feel about this?

my cousin\bestfriend is also on this site, she reads some of my works when she has the time. I also sometimes show my mom my works in less i don't want to.

6. When you come up with a good idea do you write it down, or start a new book?

when I do I put the plot idea or what I have so far either in a note on my ipod or notebook. i start a new book when i either have writers block with my other story or am done with a story, but I wait a couple days before actually writing it, just to let my head think of some filler in stuff for the book

7. How often do you come up with and idea?

I come up with ideas almost twice a day, as soon as I can I write the plot or idea in my head

8. What's the best piece of advice you've gotten from somebody about writing?

be your self, make sure it relates to you and just have fun

9. Is there anything you want to say to the viewers?

I love all you guys, If you go on my page and ask me to read, comment and vote on your story I will!!:) i read really fast and have alot of time so just ask:)

Now I'm going to ask you a couple random questions so your fans can get to know you.

10. What's your favorite color?

my favorite color is lime green i guess, but I love all colors that are colorful

11. What's your favorite movie?

I am sam

12. Do you have a favorite actor or actress?

kellan lutz and\or ashley green

13. What's your favorite wattpad book?

Oh too many but I would have to say either Pain by i-luv-Vampires, or the cellar by princessharley and I love kristy100 she is a amazing writer

14. What's your favorite nonwattpad book?

um I don't really have one, but if I had to choose it would be...Little women by Alcott

15. Do you have a favorite wattpad author?

defiantly Kristy100 :)

16. Do you have a favorite nonwattpad author?

Yes! Bill Wallace ( i think thats how you spell his last name, lol)

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