Interview with Superman_Fanatic

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How did you come up with your username?

When I found this and came up with my username I was obsessed with Superman! And still am haha(: While everyone liked Batman I loved Superman. He’s always been my superhero. I was also working on my story Identity of Supergirl. My original username was wolf-love. I didn’t like it, it didn’t suit me. So one day me and my friend were joking she is like you are such a fanatic! (I don’t know why she said it) And then something clicked. Superman_Fanatic. So I changed my name and now I am Superman_Fanatic

How did you find out about wattpad?

I found wattpad from my friend who found it from her friend. She knew I loved to write and read and she was like Kacie check this out! So I did and now I love this site(:

Is this the only writing website you use?

I started at and I didn’t like it then I heard about writerscafe and I just didn’t feel the same. I never really get on those sites this is the only one I use and actually write on.

What is the first thing you wrote? Is it here on wattpad?

The first thing I wrote was this 99 paged story in fifth grade. It was about a line of vampires and werewolves. And I found it very stupid it’s not wattpad I wrote it down in my notebook. That’s actually where I started writing. I would write in class and when I was board in my room. I also started two other stories about The Life of a Werewolf and The Life of a Vampire but I never finished it. I never got passed chapter five haha.

Do any of your friends or family read your writing? If so, how do you feel about this?

My friends read it but not my family. I don’t really care that my family doesn’t read this I mean my writing isn’t appropriate for them. I’m just happy my friends give me my full support.

Do you plan to get one of your books published in the future?

No, I can’t see myself becoming an author. I mean unlike everyone else on wattpad that’s not what I want when I’m older. I love to write yes but I don’t want my work published. I’ve always been a little insecure. I don’t think my writing is good enough.

Who inspires you the most?

Stephanie Meyer. She keep my going. I find her a great role model.

When you come up with a good idea do you write it down, or start a new book?

Well I think about it for a long time. I’m always deciding if I really like it. I take about 3 days just deciding if it’s worth writing. I always think. Am I going to finish it? Will I loose inspiration? Stuff like that. And if I’m in love with the idea then I start a new book.

How often do you come up with idea's?

All the time! Everything I read or see or even my dreams im always coming up with a new idea for a book. But a lot of the time I feel like im stealing the idea from someone else. So I think about if its truly my idea.

What is the best piece of advice you've gotten from somebody about writing?

I don’t really know.

Is there anything you want to say to your viewers?

I would love to say that THANK YOU! Thank you so much for reading my stories voting and commenting and fanning! It means the world to me! I love you guys your what keeps me going. Again, THANK YOU!

Ok, now im going to ask you a couple random questions so your fans can get to know you a little better!

What's your favorite color?

Hot pink(:

What's your favorite movie?

What Happens In Vegas(: an all time classic.

Do you have a favorite actor or actress?

Ashton Kutcher is my favorite actor(: and Selena Gomez is my favorite Actress(:

Do you have a favorite wattpad book?

Well actually I have a few. One of them is She is On The Hunt by lily-rain and the other is The Devils Pawn bye kissmyoops3.

Do you have a favorite nonwattpad book?

Um I would have to say it is the Clockwork Angel bye Cassandra clare. I am always been impressed by her writing.

Do you have a favorite wattpad author?

My favorite wattpad author is kissmyoops3 I like almost all her stories. Her writing is an AMAZING! I swear! I love her and how she brings something new and exciting to life. I love how she keeps me at the tips of my toes.

Do you have a favorite nonwattpad author?

My favorite author is Cassandra Clare. I love her series the Mortal Instrument’s and Infernal Devices. She is incredible!

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