»» 14 »»

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»» Mae

My fingers skim over all the keys of my computer and soon I lean against my chair and admire my writing.


So how easy is it to forget the thing that used to make you smile most?
How simple is it to completely lose thought of good memories?
Not in the slightest bit is it non difficult
It's quite hard and it makes you only wish for the good time back
And now that I'm trying my best to get rid of every thought of you
Then that way I can move on with life and the feelings I've kept hold of for so long
But it's such a struggle to try and convince everyone I don't like you
When I'm so determined to keep you in my life this time
They don't believe me when I tell them to believe me
They don't understand the way I need them to understand
I'm finally okay with the way things are
I'm content and at peace with God now that we gave him our problem to restore to good
I am completely perfect with our relationship because it couldn't be better
I'm so grateful your back in my life
If only I could make my friends realize
If only I can make my friends okay
If only I could make my friends forget everything that's happened in the past two years
Because if they forgot then I could completely move on and push down all those memories forever
Forgetting is what keeps me in tack

"Hey, watcha doin?" Christina wonders, walking into my bedroom.

"Oh, just writing." I reply, closing my laptop. Never in a million years do I want anybody to see that. All of my poems are secret to anyone else, they are the outlet to my feelings. I can't let anyone read them.

"Cool." She sighs and places herself on my bed.

"Mhmm, were you on the phone with your director?" I ask, I could hear her down the hallway awhile ago speaking into her phone.

"Oh yeah, he wants me too make it to the next show, but I'm still not sure. I don't want to leave town." She answers in all honesty.

"Well, pray about it and see what the Lord wants you to do. If He wants you to go to New York to perform, He will make sure it happens." I answer her, spinning my chair to face her.

"Yeah, I guess your right." She smiles slightly.

"Good, well I'm going to the store, need to get milk. Later." I wave good bye to her and run to my car out in the driveway.

»» Christina

I slip out my iPhone when Mae walks away and open up her laptop. I know her password so it's not that hard to get into her computer and seeing what she was writing. I know Mae well enough to know that she was creating something worth looking at but is too shy to actually share her piece.

When I read over her poem, I smile. It's exactly what's going on in her life, I can tell. She's been trying so hard to get over the one boy who's meant so much to her, and yet no matter what, she still likes him.

I take a picture of the poem and then started to send the picture to Carson, but then something stops me. I can't do it, and I don't know why. But instead, I open up a message from Toby.

Toby : Hey Christina, wanna go
              out tonight? Know it's late
notice, but a cool movie
              just came out

Christina : Yeah! Sure, but
                       tonight's the dinner
                       for church

Toby : I'll take you to the movie

Christina : Fine, you got me,
                       sounds like a plan! See
                       you later :)

Toby : Love you <3

Christina : Love you <33

I put away my phone and then close her laptop, finally leaving Mae's room and down to my bedroom, the poem still running through my brain.

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