Ring any bells mate?

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Draco sat down on the Hogwarts express as he started to contemplate the dark lords task as well as how good Granger looked when he saw her walking to a compartment with Weasel Bee and Potter! The way her hair had lost its frizz and now cascaded down her back in elegant curls of carmel, or the way her chocolate brown eyes widened when she was intrigued. He had to admit it he was smitten for her. That's the reason the real reason he wished for the dark lord to be vanquished so his family mainly his dad would see past blood prejudices. Maybe then she would give him a chance yet he'd still have to apologise for years and years of torment.

"You know drake you're really good at it aren't you?" His one and only real friend smirked at him

"Non sense. Good at what being bad Blaise?" He challenged

"Falling in love with someone you can't have?" His Italian friend smirked.

Draco didn't answer he only looked away

"Ring any bells mate?"

"Oh shut up Blaise I don't see you, telling Daphne how you feel?" Draco snapped

"How about this? I'll tell Daphne as soon as you tell Granger" he smiled.

"Fine, I'll do it before we get to Hogwarts as well" Draco smirked and got up on search of the brunette.

After half a hour of searching Draco had finally found her, sitting in a compartment on her own.

"Hello Granger"

"What do you want Malfoy"

"Five minutes of your time?"

"Okay go"

"Well Granger, what can I say I'm smitten with you, have been since I received a punch to the face in third year yes I know I've been a idiot and horrible to you, and I shouldn't of said all those terrible things I really shouldn't of done any of it and now I guess I'm asking for a chance, between us me and you just one date please Hermione"

"Okay pick me up at 8 on Saturday great hall steps?" She smiled before kissing his cheek and leaving the compartment.

After she left so did he

"Well blaise looks like you need to tell Daphne cause I got a date Saturday with Granger ring any bells mate?" Draco smirked at his friend and rested his head on the seat thinking about his date with Granger.

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