Chapter 1

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So, I basically just got fired from my job as a personal assistant.

This day seriously cant get any worse.

But this could be a good thing, I've always wanted to be a personal assistant for someone famous but I know its extremely hard to achieve that. 

I packed up all my things at the office I worked at and said goodbye to everyone, even the boss who I worked for. If you're wondering how I got fired welllll, my boss was having an affair with me and then I wanted to end it because I found out he is actually married but he fired me

I walked out the doors of the office and put everything in my car and drove home. I live in a 2 Bedroom apartment in the Middle of Los Angeles, its not much but I love it. I got home and dumped my things on the kitchen table, I grabbed my laptop and started searching for jobs. It was useless. I decided to make an Advertisement about me wanting a job

i decided to get out and go down to the local coffee shop on the corner. I grabbed purse, my phone and my house keys and started walking down the road to the coffee shop. I ordered the usual, a Coffee Mocha. I sat down minding my own business when I look over and see my boss that just fired me. He looked really stressed, I went over to him just to be nice. I picked up my things and moved to his table. 

"Hi, are you okay?"

"Oh hello Jenna, im fine. Just my wife found out about us"

"There isnt an us anymore"

"Oh come on babe, we were perfect!"

"No we were! You were cheating on your wife with me! Im not going back to you"

"Fine!" He then stormed out looking very angry. Everyone was now looking at me, oh I hating being centre of attention.

A man came up to me, I had never seen him before

"Hi, Im Blake. That man, I know and I know you were his personal assistant" 

"Uhh how do you know that??" okay I was freaked out 

"Do you want a job?" 

"Of course I do but how do you know who I am?"

"I searched you up on my computer when you were talking to Tom" Tom was my boss

"But how can you do that?"

"Oh Jenna, Im a very powerful man. Do you want a job?"

"Doing what?" 

"Personal assistant, Come to this place tomorrow morning if you're interested" He handed me a note that had an address on it. The man than left, that was strange but I think I will check it out.


**The Next morning** 

I woke up and got out of bed and did my usual routine, I still dressed profressional as I wanted to Impress the people who were going to be at the address. I put my phone, keys and the note in my purse and I left. I got into my car and put the address into the car GPS, it took about 30 minutes to get there. It looked like a photo studio, I was so confused. I walked in and I saw so many people, a lady walked up to me 

"Hi, you're not meant to be here"

"Oh no! A man told me to come here, my names Jenna" She turned around and yelled out to everyone

"Did anyone ask for a Jenna to come by here today?" The same man that I saw yesterday came over 

"Ahh Jenna you made it! Im so glad you came, please come this way" I followed him into an office 

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