Chapter 6

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I'm back in the office today, Zac has an interview today so I need to grab so things then head to the interview with Zac and his crew. 

Once I had grabbed everything I needed, I followed Max down to the basement and into a Black van. Zac was staring at me the whole time and it was kinda annoying but I just stayed quiet. When we got to the interview there were paparazzi everywhere!

"Don't say anything to them" Zac whispered to me. We walked through a massive crowd of people, two security guards helped up get through. At one stage I felt someones hand on my waist, I turned around and it was Zac, I was actually happy that it was him. I gave him a big smile and he returned it. Man I just wanted to kiss him so bad right there and then but it would of been so unprofessional.   

Zac was having an interview with the Elle magazine for his uncoming movie 'Bad Neighbours', I hadnt seen it yet but Max said he will give me a copy as soon as possible.

The interview went for about an hour. We all got back in the van and went back to the office. Being Zacs personal assistant was such a hared job but extremly great pay! I was sitting in my office watching 'Bad Neighbours' that Max gave me when we got back, I heard a knock on the door. I stopped the movie. 

"Come in!" Zac walked in.

"Hey, do you want to get some coffee? I know a great coffee shop down the road, we can walk." 

"Yeah, That would be great" It was a little bit awkward between us but i tried to not notice. I grabbed my jacked and bag and we left. We walked down the the busy street trying to not get noticed but a huge group of paarazzi came out of no where. They kept asking who I was and about Zacs Life. Zac grabbed my hand and quickly walked away from them and down and ally way, once we knew they were gone we stopped. 

"Im sorry about that" He hugged me and I couldnt hold it in any longer. I put my hand on his cheek and Kissed him, it felt so right for my lips to be on his. 

"I just couldnt hold it in, Im sorry" I moved away from him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, again my lips were on his and I didnt want it to end. He pulled away and he turned his head, I was then being pulled out of the ally way by Zac. I looked behind me and saw the paparazzi. We ran back to the office. 

"Well that was a bad idea" I laughed. We headed to my office and we both sat down. 

"Sooo.....That kiss..." He just had to bring it up, I blushed. He got up and walked over to me, I got up and we slowely lent in and kissed. Oh this boy makes me feel so good.


I was now at home doing some online shopping, I always do online shopping because Im so busy to go to the mall and buy clothes. There was a knock at the door and it was my friend Molly. I hadnt seen Molly in ages! We have been friends since high school and we are starting to slowely drift and thats not what I want so I invited her over. 

"I havent seen you in ages!" She was so happy 

"I know! Its been like two months or something! So how is everything?" 

"Its great! Im still with Matt" Matt is her boyfriend, they've been dating for a little over a year now "I finally finished my Personal Training course and I love being a personal trainer, It makes me feel so good to be helping people acheive their goal" 

"Wow thats amazing! Im so happy for you" 

"I heard you're working for Zac Efron now, that pretty exciting" 

"Yeah, its amazing working for him! I never though I had a chance like this" 

We chatted for about 3 hours until she had to go home. It was great seeing Molly again, i had really missed her. After she left I went to Zacs Apartment, I knocked three time then he finally opened the door. I was greeted to him just in his underwear and I think I almost died.He gave me a flirtatious smile and I returned it, I walked into his apartment and we just stood there staring at each other. We both knew what we wanted and there was no stopping. I grabbed his hand and took him to the bedroom. He slammed me against the wall and kissed me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started to kiss me on my jaw and down to my neck, he found my sweet spot and I moaned. You could tell Zac liked it because he pushed me against the wall harder then he took me to the bed. I pulled down his underwear and started to pump his manhood. My shirt was then coming off and he unclipped my bra, his hands trailed down my body and he took my skirt off. His hand slid down my panties and he slowely put one finger inside me. It honestly felt so good, I just wanted him inside me but he then stopped. 

"We cant do this" He sat up on the bed

"Yes we can" I kissed him but he pushed away. 

"No Jenna! We cant! You're my personal assistant for fuck sakes!" 

"Is this how its going to be? You're just going to keep leading me on and then once I start to get what I want you just take it away from me? Well fuck you Zac!" I quickly put my clothes back on and rushed out of his apartment with tears running down my face. He has no idea how he is making me feel and it sucks, I cant leave this job but Im going to have to figure something out.


Im so sorry this chapter took so long!!! I had the biggest writers block and I was so busy with school but Im on holidays now so hopefully I will have heaps of time to write new chapters!! Thank you all for the reads and votes, its honestly amazinG!! I love you all!!

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