Chapter 4

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I pushed away. 

"Zac!' I said breathless

"Im sorry.." 

"I think you should go" 

"No, Jenna! Please dont quit" 

"I dont really have a choice" I was about to cry

"Why?" He raised his voice

"Im falling for you! Zac, I cant stop thinking about you. This cant happen" 

"No no no, Jenna, dont do this" 

"I have to" I shut the door on him. I cant believe that just happened. I then heard my phone start ringing, I walked over to the table and looked at who was calling, it was Max. 

"Hey Max!" 

"Jenna! Please come into the office tomorrow, I want to speak with you" 

"Uhm, okay!' 

"Great, see you then" he then hung up

I wonder what he wanted to talk about


*Next Day* 

I woke up nice and early to get ready to go into the office. I went and had some cereal for breakfast then went and had a shower. I washed my body and hair then got out, I dried my body and hair and got dressed. I wore a nice casual dress that looked presentable. I brushed my hair and tied it back in a pony tale then did my make up. 

Once I was done it was around 8:30, I decided to head to the office. I grabbed my phone, my handbag and keys then walked out the door. As I was driving to the office, I saw a car accident. I stopped immediately when I noticed the car. It was Zacs. I got out of my car and ran over to the accident. 

"Zac!!" I screamed as Tears streamed down my face. 

"Ma'am, you cant cross" A police officer held me back

"I need to see him! Im his personal Assisstant" 

"Miss, I cant let you through until I have proof that you're his personal Assisstant" 

"Ask him! Zac will tell you! Sir, I need to make sure he is okay" 

"He is in a bad state, he isnt able to talk at the moment" 

I remembered I have papers in my handbag that prove Im Zacs personal assisstant. 

"Wait here! Ill be back" I sprinted back to my car and grabbed the papers, I ran back

"Here! Look!" 

"So you're Jenna? Ill need proof" 

"You're seriously going to make me run back to my car?" 

"No, Miss I believe you but you cant enter the scene" 

"What hospital is he going to?" 

"I'll just check for you" He walked away. I looked at the scene and it was bad. Zacs car was being put out by fire fighters, glass was shattered everywhere, police were looking at the scene looking for evidence and Zac was being rolled into the back of an abulance. The police officer soon returned.

"He's going to St. Vincent Medical Centre" 

"Thank you! Do you know how the accident happened?" 

"Not at the moment but we think he on drugs" 

What?? This make sense, I didnt think he did drugs. 

"Thank you sir" I walked back to my car shocked. I had to call Max

Don't Fall For the Actor (A Zac Efron Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now