Chapter 5

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I woke up with a killer headache and a strange but attractive guy next to me. Oh shit! Did I sleep with this guy? I started freaking but I realized I still had my clothes on. But that doesn't mean I didnt have sex with him! I was just sitting next to this man when he decided to wake up. 

"Who are you?" I need to know if I slept with this guy

"Im Spencer, I helped you get home last night but dont worry we didnt have sex" 

"But why are you in my bed" 

"After I put you to bed you told me to stay so I did" 

"You could of slept on the couch!" 

"I was going to but you told me to sleep in here" 


"Yeah and I still dont even know your name" He sat up against the headboard

"Im Jenna, how did we meet last night?" 

"Im the bartender at the King King, you kept hanging around the bar so we started talking" 

"Oh okay, do you want some Breakfast?"

"Naah I should get going" 

"Please stay, I owe you" 

"Alright" We got out of bed and I didnt even bother to put pants on, this guy obviously saw me in my Bra and underwear last night seeing as I wasn't in my dress. The shirt I was wearing covered my bum anyway. 

I decided I was in the mood for pancakes. 

"Do you want Pancakes?" 

"I love pancakes" He had a huge grin on his face which made me smile. I got out all the ingredients I needed and then started mixing them together. Once the mixture was done, I poured some onto a pan that I had put on the stove. It didnt take long for it to cook, I put it on a plate then continued making another. I turned around to see Spencer eating the pancake I had just make. He started laughing when he could tell I was mad. He laugh was really cute but it was a manly kind of cute. 

"Want some?" He offered while laughing

"Nope, the rest of the pancakes are for me!" I took another pancake of the pan and started eating it but soon realized it was extremely hot and dropped it on the floor. Spencer couldn't stop laughing uncontrollably. I grabbed his pancake and ran over to the lounge room and started to eat it. 

"Hey! Give it back! Its mine" He chaced after me and fell over. I now couldnt eat the pancake because I was laughing so much. I heard a knock on the door but chose to ignore it. Spencer kept trying to get the pancake off me and I started to scream. He then stopped, he was ontop of me and we were both looking into eachothers eyes. Spencer slowely moved in and his lips were on mine, the door then slammed open and we broke from the kiss. Standing there was Zac, he was pissed! We both got up and just looked at him. 

"I see you had fun last night, he obviously took advantage of you!" 

"Actually I didnt, I put her to bed then stayed the night to make sure she was okay. She drunk a lot" 

"Pfft whatever! What guy wouldnt take advantage of a beautiful girl who is really drunk?" Did Zac really just say that, you could tell by my face that I was furious and I could tell by his face that he was scared. 

"Oh so you would Rape me!" I was so sturn about this

"No no! Thats not what I meant!"

"Well what did you mean?" I raised my voice a little. Zac didnt say anything. "Get the fuck out of my house!" 

Don't Fall For the Actor (A Zac Efron Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now