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The school was nice. The hallways and classrooms were clean (cleaner than most of the high schools he had been to). Pidge said that seniors and juniors have the left side of the school. All of Keith's classes are pretty close together, except for a few, but that was okay. There's also a restroom nearby.

  School hasn't started, it's only 7:16 but there were already so many students gathering at the cafeteria, Keith was getting a bit uncomfortable. So many unfamiliar faces around looking at him like fresh meat.

   Keith just kept walking. Pidge had just dropped them off (Hunk, Lance and him) and they all left for some...space club, was it? Keith sighed, he was too agitated to care. He had already gone to the office to get his schedule, he was told that a bell would ring to notify him that classes were about to start.

   "Hey, you look new. Wanna hang out? I'm new too, well, I came in two weeks ago but I still haven't made any friends.." A timid voice said as Keith looked at the school map.

   Keith turned around thinking the person was talking to him, but... of course not. A short girl was talking to some guy; they  were behind him. Keith rolled his eyes at the attempt of flirting. Keith turned back around, looking for the library.


Keith had been waiting for ten minutes in the library for the damn bell to ring. He was practically glaring at the words in his book as he tightened his grip on the cover. Pidge had said that they would go to the library after the club meeting. Maybe they already forgot about him? Of course they did. He was just his roommate, not his friend.

    Keith didn't know why he was so upset. Maybe it was because he actually thought he might actually make friends.

     Now, don't get him wrong, Keith wasn't friendless his whole life. It's just that- well, Keith never really opened up to them. He didn't really talk to them (and it wasn't because he didn't want to), and it was always 'Oh those guys and that guy Keith'. He wasn't part of the clique. Maybe it was because he didn't like Fall Out Boy. Or maybe because he didn't really like playing the guitar (he almost hated it, really). Maybe because he actually tried to keep his grades up. Maybe because he wanted to get better.

  Keith didn't really know, but he could never make his friends stay.

   And now, he just drove away more people in less than a week. Keith sighed and closed his book. He had moved to Altea so he could leave behind his depressing past, but clearly, it wasn't the past that was depressing.

    Keith got up from the chair head been reading in, aware that there were multiple stares following his every move. Okay, I know I'm fucking ugly and emo, I get it!

   Keith didn't like being alone.


Lance fidgeted around in his seat. His thoughts were all on the pale boy with the long black hair. It was weird, of course, because they had just met. Maybe it was because he was cute? Lance pouts a bit. They're only ever going to be friends.

   Of course, Keith would be weirded out if Lance suddenly went up to him and asked a bunch of personal questions... Would Keith even want to be friends with Lance?

   Lance shook his head; this wasn't time to think about that kind of stuff. No more thinking.

  Lance vaguely heard what Pidge was saying about the stars and the new planet and other shit that Lance didn't really care about. He remembered when Pidge, Hunk, and he had started the Outer Space Club or whatever it was called now.

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