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   Keith was sure Lance wouldn't be on time, but.. he was already sitting outside? What the fuck? It's so cold? Why would he do that to himself?

"What are you doing outside already? How long have you been waiting?" Pidge exclaimed as Lance got into the car.

"Uh, just 30 minutes," Lance mumbled as he situated himself next to Keith in the back seats.

  The cold air from the outside seeped in through opening of the door. Keith curled into himself a bit more.

   "Why." Keith said dryly in disbelief.

     "I just-" Lance started, "well, I'm strong so like, this is nothing. I'm immune to the cold. I mean, cold isn't even real so."

   Keith stared at him. "You're a dumbass."

   "Wha?" Lance yelped. "If anything, you're the dumbass for bringing such a tiny jacket! If it's so cold, why bring that jacket?"

Keith sniffed, "It's a perfectly okay jacket." And it's also the only one he has.

   Lance raised an eyebrow, "Sure..."

     Pidge rolled his eyes and continued driving.

  "You know, I'm sure you guys would be friends, if you didn't fight so much," Hunk stated from the front seat. He was joking of course, they were all friends... he liked to think even best friends.

    "What do you mean." Lance gasped. "We're best friends!" Pulling Keith closer with a forceful arm around his neck.

    Keith blushed at being so close to Lance, he could faintly smell cologne and softener. His nose touching his somehow warm, tan neck.

   Lance's cold fingertips touched Keith's neck, making him shiver and blush.

   What the heck. They were literally sitting down yet Lance is still somehow taller than him.

"You wish." Keith grunted.

    "Stop choking Keith," Pidge grumbled, "and you better not get sick Lance."

    "I'm not gonna get sick" Lance announced, letting his arm slide off Keith, landing around his hips for a second before going back next to Lance.

    Keith looked out the window, hoping the glass wouldn't reflect his blush.


   Lance sighed as he entered the school building. He really hoped his siblings didn't miss the bus.

     Pidge and Keith were talking about something about ap statistics or something. Hunk had already left looking for Shay (and if you ask Lance, he'd say they were dating but Hunk hasn't said anything so).

    Lance opted out for staring at Keith's back while they walked down the hallway.

   Keith's shoulders weren't really broad but damn. Those muscles. Lance grinned to himself.

    Then lost his smile as he realized that... Lance wasn't really handsome or anything of the sort. Lance didn't deserve someone amazing like Keith. Keith didn't deserve someone as shitty as Lance.

  Lances sighed as he sobered his thoughts.

   Besides! It's not like Keith is gay or anything.

I think.

And even if he was, he wouldn't want to date Lance

Lance groaned, making Pidge and Keith look back at him with concern.

"You okay?" Pidge asked, furrowing his brows.

Lance put on a fake grin, "Yeah! I just remembered that we had homework for History, and I didn't do it..."

Keith twisted his mouth in disappointment, "Do you ever do your homework?"

"Look, man, it's not the grades that count, it's the effort and dedication..." Lance mumbled.

"Yeah, well you don't put the effort nor dedication." Pidge frowned.

"Not every one is as smart as muskle boi and smartass." Lance shrugged. Really, the only thing he had on them was his tallness.

"Muscle boy?" Keith questioned.

"No. It's muskle boi." Lance restated. "Muskle. Boi. With an i."

Keith furrowed his eyes in confusion. "Why muskle boi?"

"Because you have muscles." Lance responded, while poking one of Keith's biceps.

Keith blushed at the small touch.

"And Yeah," Lance finished, realizing what he had just done, also blushing.

Pidge cleared his throat. "Lance. We didn't have homework."

"Oh really?" Lance feigned surprise, "nice!"

Keith rolled his eyes.


Hunk was talking with Shay when it happened.

Their groupchat was blowing up with texts. It was mostly Lance with caps lock. But Hunk understood.

Pidge had... informed them about an upcoming band competition that was being hosted by popular band. The winner got to be the opening show of a concert the band hosting the competition. Second place got a prize of $1,000. Third place got free band merch.

   Why did this matter?

  Because Pidge had the grand idea of creating a rock band.

     It was ridiculous. But so totally awesome at the same time.

   Hunk had to stop talking with Shay just so he could tell Pidge he was being an idiot.

     A band? With them four? Pfft, like that could happen.


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