Finding my Mate

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heey guys I reaally hope you are liking this story, I feel like this is an amazing story if you could comment and vote that would be super handyy:)

every story I write has a deeper meaning for instants: What he doesnt deserve he learnt not to push peoples buttons and to be smart and Love for whats inside and I am a big beiever in that, I was re reading my own story and though wow this is reaaly good. I am proud to say I wrote if you havnt read what he doesnt deserve just open my page add it too ur library and read it"_

okaay have fun with this chapter




Aarons POV;)

My alarm, stupid device that it is had to go off when I was in the middle of a fan-frikken-tastic dream, these two blond girls were...uhh, nevermind...I'd gotten up, showered, and put on the first thing I could find which was black jeans, white top, jacket, I jumped in my car and drove to the shiit whole they call school.

I was first approached by Stacey Whitcast, then Jezzy Stewart, I turned them all away, today I just wasn't in the mood fr there, for lack of better word, skankiness? My sister pulled into the car park next to me bounding over to kiss my cheek quickly and say good morning.

"Whats got you up so early this morning bigger by 2 minutes brother?" she chuckled, I sighed, she always called me that, sometimes I wish she was with me the way she was at school, quiet, withdrawn, I would have thought her wolf would have forced her to at least be a bit outgoing like I was, though I was a bit of a man-whore so she could stay un-popular if that happened.

"gotta do some pack stuff before class," I answered, stiffling my laugh and walking off from her, she chuckled at me and I sped up walking through the forest to see my 3 main boys, they were all big, muscly and intimidating as the school would call us bad boy? I always found the name slightly humerous.

"Hey boys, hows it going?" we knuckled like we used to when we were younger and I got them to fill me in on the rougue situation.

"Well like you told us we had a patrol set all night, 2 swap offs and the same today, but we have the olders so youngers can come to school. there were no reports of rougues on the territory but 2-3 were roaming outside the territory line last night, we sent them away though, we had chaz and sam take them out." Morgan told me

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