Trouble. Truoble and well, more Trouble

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If this chapter doesn't make sense to you then you probably havent read the last chapter, I uploaded on the same day soooo...yeah...

Enjoy this chapter, in Danni and maybe Arron's POV

also so sorry for the extremely long wait, I just have no, well spirit? I have been realy busy lateyly and my mums in the hospital, so forgive me, I just need a bit of time to think and take care of school and home. I also took it out of the Watty awards...

soorry, but enjoy this chapter.

------------------->>>> BECAUSE I LOVE LAKYN<333333

____>>her brother


Danni's POV

Ugh. Was the first thought that past through my aching brain, I groaned and the sound hurt me, god, I don't remember getting drunk last night! I slowly opened my eyes to squeal in alarm when I saw a rough looking man sitting right infront of me, I was strung up to a wet and painfully scraping wall, I tried to move as little as I could because it felt like pins.

The mans head lifted up to reveal, dark, twisted eyes eyes, that looked vagely familiar, I thought back into my memroy, to think of anyone who had those evil eyes, but I coultdn't, the closet person I could think of was My dad's bestfriend, brother, uncle, Travis, also my cousin, who I hadn't seen in forever, Lyss, She was like my bestfriend until after mum...well you know.

His deep voie interrupted my puzzled and conflicted thought, "Hello dear, welcome to hell." if his deep voice hadn't scared me, his evil laugh would have, I almost whimpered, consumed with utter, terrorized fear. From a laugh.

"W--what are you talking about? Where am I?" I whimpered

He stood up in a flash, cupping my face gently, "uh, uh, shh dear, everything is fine, perfectly fine, you need to calm, okay? or I would have to sedate you again and we can't have you waisting anymore of my time, can we? Now, you are in a basement. and I? Well dear I am surprised you don't know your own family, though your father isn't very connecting after you dear old mother decided to drop dead,"

I flinched, his harsh worlds hitting a deep pain in me also a blistering shock, it was my uncle, I had to close my eyes to breath, keeping calm so I didn't attack him, my anger was no longer anger, it was a boiling rage that was slowly building by the seconds.

"I am also surprised by the fact that you don't recognise my voice from the silly phone calls, god child, the levels I had to stoop to, to frighten you, it was amusing. The levels I had to go to, to cause you pain, although it just became easier when you found your dear mate." he laughed.

I was seething by then, he had sent that bitch?

"You sent that skank after my mate? You are the Alpha of the strongest pack or just some petty pack member?" I growled.

Rage flared in his brown eyes, his grip on my face became tight. Too tight, I held in my small cry. "You watch how you speak to me little girl. I could kill you this second, I could wrip you apart, I am the Alpha of this pack, and you will respect me and my daughter." he snarled.

I gasped. Lyss. Alyssa? How hadn't I noticed, but she looked so different from my dweet innocent best friend.

She'd taken my mate of me? I could feel and see the tears spring into my closed eyes.

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