Solutions and teasings

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-----> Pic of Arron’s wolf.





Danni’s POV.


I ran as fast as I could away from the camp ground, the large bush land enclosing me in its green claw’s I struggled as loose branches scraped at my arms and legs through the thin cardigan I wore, I started panting as the images of my boyfriend turning into a giant wolf flitted through my head.

I ran deeper into the woods until I collapsed against a tall gum tree protruding from the ground, I sobbed as I remembered the images.

My boyfriend was a wolf. I knew I shouldn’t have let another person in, it would just end up in my face like all the other time, and I would lose them. Wait? Maybe I just imagined it, like I am dreaming right now and I just have to wake up, I pinched my arm to wake up, nothing can hurt in a dream, “Ouch,” I whined, shutting up when I heard a twig snap in front of me.

My eyes scanned the forest area until a lanky body came into view. Jared.

“I d-d-don’t want you to come over here and I don’t w-w-want to hear what you have to say to me about this or what Arron has to s-say either,” I stuttered as he leaned down against a tree a couple metres from me, silent and watchful.

We stayed quiet, no noise but the nature around us, until he did something unexpected, “you know he probably didn’t tell you because you would be afraid of him Danni,” his voice was deep and husky, probably from not talking for so long.

“it doesn’t matter though Jared, h-he turns into a giant wolf in his spare time, I mean, my boyfriend turns into a wolf, my boyfriend is a werewolf, like, how am I supposed to react to that news, be calm about it, I don’t think anyone in my situation would be calm about it.” I almost shouted at him, toning down my voice I whispered, “It’s not fair Jared, it’s not fair on me for him to expect me to turns to him saying ‘hey you’re a wolf and that’s fine cause it’s normal,’ okay so don’t ask me to be calm,”

“Danni, I didn’t ask you to be calm, but I do want to ask you to hear him out before you run from him, let him explain to you everything I know you are curious about, we won’t hurt you, ever Please Danni,” he asked me, almost begging, I hastily weighed my options.

I could hear him out and listen to my boyfriend explain why and how he turns into a giant wolf, or I could demand that he take me home and never speak, look or glance at me again because he was an evil creature. My curiosity won the argument, there were too many questions that I needed answers to.

“I’ll hear him out but I make no promises that I will stay here with a bunch of werewolves.” I chuckled as I said it, I suddenly burst into laughter as we walked into the camp site, the werewolves all looked at me like I was crazy, Arron my werewolf boyfriend looked at Jared questioningly and in turn, Jared looked at me.

I laughed harder than I ever have in my life, the sound a little mad, “ I Just was laughing at the fact,” Laughter overwhelmed me for a second,  “That my boyfriend------and his friends----are Werewolves,” I started laughing hard, tears forming in my eyes, a small sob escaped me as I calmed down, breathing in through the nose out through the mouth as I let out a small chuckle before quieting down, I coughed, “Sorry I just thought that was slightly amusing,”

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