What doesn't kill you.

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Heey:) I wont be uploading again till late Tuesday because I am going camping at Summerset with my boyfriend as a celebration of our holidays, forgive me, I will upload then PROMISE.




------------Song?-what does'nt kill you by Kelly Clarkson----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PIC OF LINA>>-------------------------------------------------

Danni's Pov

I walked down the steps painfully slow, not wanting to face the reality of what had happaned last night, dad had left me on my own, well on my own excepted for Lory, the maid, she walked in the minute I had that thought.

"manana danni, dear your father left this for you, he had business to attend to, and querido? you really need to stop falling over, look at you poor face, all bruised up, be careful, go get dressed and read the note, I will cook for you," she smiled and patted me along.

walking up the stairs was an effort as was showering, I couldn't be bothered to get any better dressed so I through on the loostest thing I could find which was a floral shirt and black waist high short shorts, I pulled them on and left my red hair down, which was odd for me, I finally sat on the bed and opened the letter from dad.

imagine my surprise when his credit card falls out first, I almost cry, this means he will be gone for a while, I know he did wrong but he was my dad. next I took the letter out, it almost made me cry:

My darling daughter Danni,

I am so sorry for everything, you have to believe that I never meant to do anything to you, I am so sorry, I left you my credit card, it has over 200,000 dollars on it, I figure it should keep you safe, the house bills are paid off, and your school bills are as well, the money is for you.

The groceries will arrive on schedule every week, lots of things you like, chocolate, thigs for school and friends, I love you, I need you to be happy,

Your father

I was crying silently when I finished, the note brought my emotions back from losing mum, but I had to go to school, I wiped my face and went downstairs, eating the panakes Lory made, scoffing them down preparing to go to school, until Lory stopped me.

"Danni, there is a boy waiting outside for you, says he is giving you a lift to school? would you like me to send him away?"

I frowned,"No Lory, i got it, thankyou, I grabbed my bag, just incase it, and walked to the front door, now. Imajine my shock when the shcools it bad boy was at your front door, staning with a smile, his eyes running up my body.

"good morning Danni, I'm here to pick you up." he said with a smirk. I stared at him for a moment, How did he know where I lived? I think he saw the question in my eyes, "My sister told me where you live." he chuckled.

I frowned, "Okay, well um, why are you here to pick me up?"

"Don't know, I want to be you're friend, so friends do that kinda thing so come on." he chuckled pulling my arm, I winced softly at the speed and he stopped, lokking back at me, "What happened to your face?"

"Oh, um I trip--"

"no. because your breathing is also off, show me your stomach, right this second Danni, I mean it, dont lie to me ever." he demamded and I winced, I wasn't going to show him, he could see it. The next thing I new, I was up against his car and he had my shirt up, glancing at my bruises in horror.

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